Tuesday 26 November 2013

Home Remedies for High Blood PressureHome Remedies for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common health problem seen in many people. It is also known as hypertension, a chronic medical condition that occurs when there is an elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. Usually the blood pressure is measured by the systolic and diastolic movements. High blood pressure is reported if the reading is at or above 140/90 mmHg persistently.
There are many causes that may result in this health problem, some of them are stress, genetic factors, excessive intake of salt, obesity, high alcohol intake, lack of physical activity, pain killers, birth control pills, adrenal diseases, and kidney diseases etc.
Hypertension may lead to many chronic health conditions including heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and chronic kidney failures. Though there are many medicines that are prescribed to control hypertension. But there are many simple home remedies that can help you prevent and control high blood pressure.

Here are some of the natural remedies for hypertension that are available in your kitchen


Banana is the best natural remedy for blood pressure. Eat one or two bananas daily to keep your high blood pressure in control. The high potassium present in the banana will help you control the blood pressure level. It aids you to be free of cholesterol, with its low sodium levels. Apart from banana, you can also try eating spinach, dried apricots, orange juice, raisins, currants, baked sweet potatoes, winter squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe.


Garlic processes the great properties that help you get blood pressure in control. Either raw or cooked form garlic helps you in reducing cholesterol level. Whenever you have your blood pressure level high then try eating 1 – 2 slightly crushed cloves of garlic regularly. As crushed garlic cloves generate hydrogen sulfide, which helps in promoting good flow of blood, decreases the pressure on the heart and gets rid of gas. You can also take 5 to 6 drops of garlic juice mixed with 4 teaspoons of water two times a day for better results.


Celery contains high levels of 3-N-butylphthalide, which is a ‘phytochemical’ that helps you to control high blood pressure level. Eat celery regularly to see improvement in your blood pressure level. It also helps you in stress hormones reduction that constricts the blood vessels, which may lead to high BP. If you like celery then you can munch on to lower your BP or you can consume one stalk of it along with one glass of water every day.


Lemon is one of the best remedies for hypertension. It makes the blood vessels soft and flexible removing their rigidness, making the blood pressure levels low. Lemon contains high amounts of Vitamin B, so regularly consuming lemon helps you prevent for heart failure. If you are having high blood pressure then you must drink fresh lemon juice as many times as possible. Drinking one glass lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning on empty stomach is good for health. Avoid adding salt or sugar for good results.


Honey Honey has a soothing effect on your blood vessels and helps in reducing the pressure from the heart, in turn lowers high blood pressure. Consuming 1 or 2 tbsps of honey daily will help you in controlling hypertension. Taking two teaspoons of honey early in the morning on empty stomach is a very good option. You can otherwise mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of ginger juice and 2 teaspoons of powered cumin seeds and eat it two times a day. You can also consume the mixture of honey and basil juice on empty stomach regularly for better results.

Onion Juice:

Onion Juice Onion is an effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. You can eat one raw onion (medium sized) on a daily basis or consume the mixture of honey and onion juice. Taking 1/2 teaspoon of onion juice mixed with 1/2 teaspoon honey twice every day, will aid you in reducing the blood pressure level. You can notice a good improvement in your BP levels by taking onion juice twice a day for about 1 – 2 weeks.

Cayenne Pepper:

SONY DSC If you are suffering from mild hypertension then cayenne pepper is the best natural remedy you can take. It makes the blood flow smooth by preventing the blood platelets from forming clumps and prevents their accumulation in the blood. Cayenne pepper can be added to vegetable salad or fruit salad. You can even add a generous pinch of cayenne pepper powder into your soup and drink it. Use only a small pinch of cayenne pepper as it is very spicy.

Coconut Water:

It is always good to keep your body well hydrated and it is recommended if you’re suffering with high BP. Drink about 8 – 10 glasses of water every day. You can also drink tender coconut or coconut water, along with regular water for good results. Coconut water is tasty and processes nutritional values as well. They help in lowering and controlling the hypertension levels. You can improve blood pressure level by consuming coconut water regularly. You can also try using coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek Seeds Fenugreek seeds are most effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. Take one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them for about 2 minutes in water. Now strain out the water from the fenugreek seeds and bled them in a fine paste. Eat one tablespoon of this paste early in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening respectively. Continue for two or three months to control and lower your blood pressure level.

Watermelon Seeds:

A compound called ‘cucurbocitrin’ that is present in Watermelon seeds widens the blood capillaries. Apart for this it also improves the kidneys functionality. It also reduces blood pressure level in arthritis. Crush 2 table spoons of dried watermelon seeds and add them to one cup of boiled water. After leaving it for about an hour, strain the seeds and take 4 tbsps of this water at regular intervals.

Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly



Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

Weight loss can be attained with a full-body exercise routine. You can shed your extra pounds by burning the excess calories that you consumed. Going to a gym to workout is a very good option to attain weight loss. But many people cannot afford all the fancy equipment of the gyms. Many body-weight exercises don’t require any gym equipment. These exercises that can be done anywhere and anytime, they are pushups, squats and many other moves that use your body weight.
These body weight exercises also help you in burning calories, building muscle and also help in boosting your metabolism. Though, sometimes using body weight alone to exercise can bring in stress instead of strength.
Generally a full body workout involves pushups, planks, leaps, squats, lunges and glute bridges.

Here are the Top 10 recommended work outs To Lose Weight At Home :

1. Push-Ups:

Triceps-pushups Push-up is a basic exercise that is done by simply raising and lowering the body with the support of the arms.  Triceps pushups are done by placing your hands on the floor right below your shoulders, while holding your body straight.  Now lower your chest by bending your elbows and pushing back into the initial position. If you feel this exercise difficult, you can make it easier by placing your knees on the floor. This exercise trains the muscles of chest, shoulders and arms.

2. Bridge:

Bridge Bridge exercise usually strengthens the whole abdominal region, hamstrings, the lower back and the glutes. It is considered as the basic rehab exercise that improves spinal stabilization. Lie down on your back by putting your arms by your sides. Now bend your knees and raise your hips while maintain your back straight and keeping your feet on the floor. Let the hips be in a straight line with your shoulders and knees. Hold it there for 30 seconds and gently lower your hips back to the initial position and repeat the same for several minutes.

3. Leaps:

Skaters Leaps Leaps / skaters are leg strengthening exercises. This is a great exercise for sports persons, which improve speed and grace. In order to do perfect leaps, get into a semi-squat position and jump sideways and then land on your right foot. Repeat the same process in the opposite direction, now land on your left foot. You can perform these leaps regularly to strengthen your legs.

4. Plank Crawl:

Plank Crawl One of the best plank variations involves crawling. This exercise routine helps you tone your abs, back, and shoulders. Crawls are designed to use the upper and lower body in unison. To do a plank crawl you need to get in a pushup position, then lowering yourself down into the plank position by balancing on your forearms, elbows and toes. Now balance on one arm the come back to your initial push-up position, repeat the process by alternating the arm. You have to maintain a straight body during the exercise routine. Plank is commonly practiced in Pilates and yoga. You can decrease the difficulty level by lowering your knees to the floor.

5. Squats:

Squat-EX Squats are really great exercises for your buttocks and legs. Squat is a position in which you couch or sit with knees bent close to the heels with your thighs parallel to the floor. It is a full body work out that primarily targets hips, thighs and buttocks. If you find this exercise routine difficult then try the same sitting on a chair and standing up, now repeat this process a number of times to tone your body and provide some benefit to it.

6. Walking Lunges:

Walking Lunge Walking Lunges are very high intensity exercises that help in strengthening thighs and hips. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now step forward with your right foot the land on your left knee and then on forefoot. Make sure that you keep your knees at 90 degrees approximately. Stand on forward leg with the help of rear leg. Alter the leg and repeat it again. This exercise can be done by holding a pair of dumbbells in both your hands.

7. Single Leg Balance:

Single Leg Balance Stick This is one of the hardcore exercises that targets leg power. The first thing you need to do in this exercise is to balance on your left leg and lean forward at the waist by keeping your body straight. Now extend your right leg towards the ceiling. You should maintain a slight bend in your left knee. Then raise your upper body to the initial position. Repeat it a few times for a better workout. If you found this balancing difficult, hold your back leg for support initially.

8. Superman Back Extension:

Superman-Plank-hotel This exercise will help you increase the strength of the muscles along the lower back and gluteus.  In order to perform this exercise, Lie on your stomach and gently raise your legs and upper body at the same time. Always keep your head straight in this position. Hold it there for 2 – 3 seconds and repeat it for 10 – 12 times daily to increase your leg power.

9. Bird Dog:

Bird Dog Bird-dog is an excellent exercise to stabilize the lower back (spine) during extremity movement. It works on abs, back, hips and butt. Begin with a hands and knees position (downward dog) with your fingers pointing forward. Make sure that your hands are under your shoulders and knees are under your hips. Slowly stretch your opposite leg and arm almost parallel to the floor. Hold your balance for a few seconds without arching or sagging your back. Return to the initial position slowly and repeat the same alternating sides.

10. Side Plank Hip Drops:

Side Plank Hip Drops1 Side plank is the best exercise that helps you build core strength. This exercise primarily targets on arms, legs and back. Begin this exercise routine by lying on one side with your elbow lined directly under your shoulder. Lift your hips off the floor by supporting your body with your forearm and keeping your feet stacked on top of one another on the floor. Hold your torso steady for 3 -5 seconds and then slowly lower your hips onto the floor repeat the same process by switching sides.

20 Benefits of Walking ~

20 Benefits of Walking ~


cancer in human beings

PLEASE READ.... and forward Dr. Brian Berry of the United States has found new cancer in human beings, caused by Silver Nitro Oxide. Whenever you buy recharge cards, don’t scratch with your nails, as it contains Silver Nitro Oxide coating and can cause skin cancer. Share this message with your loved ones.



How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night.
Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this ! Interesting.......
Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water...
Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.
1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).
Please read on...
Something that we can do to help ourselves - nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.
They work much faster than the tablets.
Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It's about Heart Attacks.
There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.
The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: - Call 911. - Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.- Say "heart attack!" - Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins.
Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ...DO NOT LIE DOWN!
A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you?
Do forward this message. It may save lives!
"Life is a one time gift"

Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~

Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~


Photo: Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~

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No Eye Dark Circle ~

No Eye Dark Circle ~


Vitamin E Skin Booster

Vitamin E Skin Booster ~

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General Detox Including skin

General Detox Including skin ~

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Photo: General Detox Including skin ~

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Top 10 Benefits of Running

Top 10 Benefits of Running


Photo: Top 10 Benefits of Running 

Winter Sore Throat Tea

Winter Sore Throat Tea
Make sure you have some of this ready...great recipe for sore throats and chest colds
.....makes about 2 cups
1. Two lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced
2. Two piece of ginger about the size of your pointer and middle finger together sliced into coin size pieces
3. Honey (about 1 cup-maybe more)
In a 12-16 oz. jar combine lemon slices and sliced ginger.
Pour honey (organic is best) over it slowly. This may take a little time to let the honey sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. Make sure when the honey has filled in all the voids, there is enough to cover the top of the lemon slices.
Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it.
Store in fridge 2-3 months.
Remember to Share.... Sharing is Caring...





You will be needing 40 pcs of guyabano leaves
1 liter clean water



1. Boil the 1 liter water in a sauce pan.
2. As soon as it boils, add the leaves and turn the heat to low.
3. Simmer it for 20 minutes. The color will turn to golden brown or just like the color of regular tea.
4. let it cool before drinking.

The tea is only good for 7-8 hours and may be refrigerated.


*It should only be taken for 30 days. More than that, it will destroy the normal flora.

*After 30 days, have yourself checked by your doctor to examine if the disease is still there. If the symptoms is still there, taper the dose to maintenance dose.

* If the symptoms disappear before the 30 day treatment, continue taking the tea to make sure that no single sick cell is present.

30 day treatment, 3x a day, one glass 30 minutes before meals no skipping.



***Dont mix the tea with other healing substances to avoid incompatibility.

*** Dont overuse the tea. Follow the procedure.


Top 18 Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

Top 18 Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

To have a healthy and long hair does not depend only on the outside appearance of your hair but also on how healthy you are inside.  According to experts, the good health of every part of the body, which also includes your Hair Health, depends on what you eat. Strong and healthy growth of your hair depends on a balanced diet. The nutrients that are consumed by the body fortify the hair follicles.
Every one loves for healthy hair, whether man or woman. Hair loss or hair fall is a big problem for all of us. To get rid of such a problem and to make our hair strong and healthy, we need to include certain foods in our diet. The increase in the intake of certain foods at each meal and with each meal can bring a tremendous change in our hair growth. Even if you follow a hair nutritious diet for at least 6 months, it will definitely make your hair follicles strong and make your hair healthy and thick. So, leave aside the shampoos and conditioners, and start a healthy diet, and see the difference. You will just love yourself.

Foods That Help You Grow Thick and Healthy Hair

For boosting hair growth, to prevent hair loss, to prevent dandruff, to have a healthy scalp, certain vitamins like Vitamin B, C, A, D and minerals like selenium, zinc, folic acid, iron and protein are required. You also require a good amount of Omega 3 fatty acids, which keep your hair scalp hydrated. Consuming foods having any or all of these nutrients are one of the solutions to long, healthy thick hair.
Try These 18 Foods For Your Hair
Foods for Healthy Hair
  1. Lean Red Meat: According to a research study, less iron intake can lead to baldness and hair loss. Usually, it is found that women are iron deficient and that is visible with their unhealthy and thin hair. Lean red meat is a popular food to increase the iron content in your body.
  2. Wholegrains: Wholegrains, like as barley, oats, buckwheat, broken wheat, ragi, bajra promote hair growth. Wholegrains are storehouse of zinc, vitamin B and iron which are good for hair follicles. These regulate hormones which have a direct affect on the growth and thickness of your hair. Having these nutrients in the body protect your hair.
  3. Brown Rice: Brown rice is another food which has lot of zinc content in it, which is important for the growth of your hair.  Consume brown rice to prevent hair loss.
  4. Beans and Lentils: To supplement follicles and make your hair scalp healthy, consume lentils which contain zinc, protein, iron and biotin. This is infact great for all vegetarian, vegans, and meat eaters. Legumes like kidney beans, soy beans also play a great role in hair support and maintenance.
  5. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (Spinach, Broccoli): Include dark green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Try to include spinach and broccoli in your diet as much as possible. These green vegetables are rich in folic acid, vitamin A, C and zinc which are essential for healthy living, including thick hair. Spinach is full of iron, folate, beta carotene, and vitamin C which keep hair follicles healthy. It also circulates oil in the scalp. Also, broccoli, another green leafy vegetable with its rich content of zinc, calcium, and folic acid prevents hair fall and helps in boost thick hair growth. Dark Green Veggies packed with vitamins A and C, produce sebum – a scalp oil, that works as a natural hair conditioner.
  6. Sweet Potatoes: Another popular healthy food which boosts thick hair growth is sweet potato. Sweet potatoes have anti-oxidant  beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A in the body. It is a known fact that Vitamin A is essential for functioning of every cells in the body, including your hair cells. Vitamin A in sweet potatoes helps produce oils that maintain a healthy scalp and also prevents dandruff.
  7. Eggs: Eggs are packed with 4 basic minerals – zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. They are full of biotin, a vitamin B which promotes hair growth. They are also a great source of proteins, which help cells to carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Include eggs in your diet so as to increase the iron and protein content in your body which can help in hair growth.
  8. Carrots: Carrots have also beta-carotene, an antioxidant which boosts thick hair growth. Consuming carrots, whether boiled or raw, promotes healthy scalp and can brighten up your dull locks.
  9. Tomatoes: Also include tomatoes in your diet. It prevents hair damage and hair loss, tomatoes being a good source of antioxidant and lycopene.
  10. Fruits: Vitamin C is always necessary for healthy hair. Lack of Vitamin C in the body can cause hair breakage. So consume fresh fruits every day. Fruits like berries, oranges, Indian gooseberries, kiwis, straw berries supply nourishment to the hair follicles. Also eat bananas for healthy hair. Bananas are rich in zinc and vitamin B.
  11. Greek Yoghurt: You can opt for low-fat foods like as Greek yoghurt which is rich in calcium, protein, vitamin B and D. In many hair care products, you find the ingredient pantothenic acid in the label. This is produced from Vitamin B5. Greek yoghurt is one such food which is rich in Vitamin B5, which in turn boosts hair follicle health.
  12. Dark Chocolate: This is one food which every one likes. Yes it is dark chocolates. Rich in antioxidants, iron rich vitamin B, dark chocolates are important for growing thick healthy hair.
  13. Green Tea: You can reap the benefits of green tea by not only consuming it but also by applying it. Yes, you have heard it right. Consuming green tea is good for your hair health. But you can also wash your hair with green tea which fight dandruff and improve the scalp.
  14. Walnuts and Almonds: Don’t forget to include dry fruits like walnuts, almonds in your diet. A rich source of omega 3, biotin and vitamin E, walnuts and almonds are essential for healthy thick hair.
  15. Fish (Indian Mackerel, Salmon, Oysters): One of the best foods to stop hair loss and for a healthy thick hair is fish. . The Indian mackerel is rich in Omega 3 and 6, which rejuvenates the scalp, encourages follicles growth and make your hair thick and healthy. Oyster is another sea food which promotes healthy hair. Oysters are rich in zinc, a lack of which can lead to hair loss including dry, flaky scalp. Zinc is associated with the production of androgens. People with low androgens suffer from slow hair growth and dandruff.  Salmon is another fish, which being rich in protein and vitamin D, promotes healthy hair growth. The Omega fatty 3 acids which the body requires are available in salmon fish. So prevent hair loss and grow thick hair by consuming salmon, mackerel, and oysters or other fish.
  16. Vegetable Oil: Now, you not want thick long hair but you will also prefer soft and shiny tresses. No one wants dry hair, luster less hair. This happens when your diet is too low in fats. So include peanut, olive, safflower and sunflower oil in your diet. These oils can restore the shine in your hair.
  17. Beef: If you really want to have the same hair as Kate Middleton, then consume beef. This is her secret to healthy hair. Consume a little portion of lean beef just once a week. This will help you grow thick hair and stop hair fall.
  18. Chicken: You can also get healthy thick hair with lean chicken. Consume chicken as it is rich in proteins, which is good for thick hair growth and scalp.

Friday 25 October 2013

Simple Remedies For Painful Chronic Urine Infection

Simple Remedies For Painful Chronic Urine Infection


Simple Remedies For Painful Chronic Urine Infection

A chronic urinary infection is usually an infection of the bladder. It is also referred to as cystitis. It is a kind of urinary tract infection, commonly referred to as UTI. The urinary tract is sterile naturally and when microbes invade this space, there usually occurs an infection. While some people suffer from it once in a while, there are many who suffer from it from time to time which takes on the chronic form. It is necessary to identify the causes of such an infection and to eliminate it from one’s lifestyle or surroundings. One needs to be aware of the hygienic habits that they need to pursue in order to avoid such infections from becoming chronic.

Causes Of Chronic Urine Infections

Usually chronic urine infections originate from the urinary bladder. The causes are outlined as follows:
• The presence of bacteria in the urine usually leads to bladder infection and other types of urinary tract infection
• Bacteria travels from the rectum or the vaginal area toward the urethra
• Here the bacteria enters the bladder and causes cystitis or bladder infection
• As women have a shorter urethra they are more prone to bladder infection
• The bacteria might also enter the bladder from the skin surrounding the urethra
• Usually E-Coli is the bacterial strain that is known to cause cystitis
• Staph organisms or other gut bacteria might also cause such infections
• Candida is one form of fungus that can cause bladder infection

Symptoms Of Chronic Urine Infection

It is found that urinary tract infection is more common in women than in men due to the shorter length of the urethra which is present in women. Some of the common symptoms that are accompanied by this infection are:
• Pain when urinating is experienced which is a state described medically as dysuria
• The frequency of urination increases which is another common symptom of urinary tract infection
• The urgency to urinate is felt more frequently
• There might be pain experienced around the pelvic area
• The urge to urinate might be there but it might not come on
• When the infection is severe, one may experience chill and fever
• One may have poor appetite
• One may experience vomiting and nausea
There are other common signs of bladder infection which include tenderness around the lower abdominal area; one’s urine could foul smell. In elderly patients, they might feel lethargic and confused which are the only signs of the infection that may exist in them.

Simple Remedies For Painful Chronic Urine Infection

Those who are suffering from chronic urine infection might be taking up different kinds of medication but not finding much relief. There are certain lifestyle changes and home remedies that one can take up in order to find a long term solution to this recurring condition.

1. Apple And Vinegar Recipe

It is known that eating certain food items can help to reduce the inflammation and cure it as well
• Apple pieces to be taken with the skin removed
• Some white vinegar to be taken and salt added to it
• The vinegar should be used as a dip for eating the apple slices
• The taste is good and it works
• The vinegar is helpful in reducing the infection when combined with the nutrients present in the apple

2. Maintaining Good Hygienic Habits

As the urinary infections are caused by pathogens that are found in feces and in unclean toilet bowls, it is necessary to keep oneself clean and their surroundings hygienic
• One should always wash themselves after every toilet session
• If water is not present, hygienic wipes should be used to wipe oneself clean

3. Washing Oneself Properly

Urinary tract infections often originate from improper cleaning habits
• One should ensure that they wash themselves properly even in the anal and the urinating areas
• These areas need to be kept clean when one is taking a shower or a bath
• A healthy cleansing ritual followed once or a twice a day will help to keep such infections at bay

4. Beware Of Public Toilets

Public toilets are used by different people and might not be kept clean properly
• These areas are usually sources of such infections
• One needs to clean their toilet seat both before and after usage
• One should clean themselves with wipes and wash their hands afterwards
• Clean habits will go a long way to ward off infections from public places

5. Intake Of Fluids

It is necessary to drink lots of water as infections are nothing but toxins accumulating inside the body
• As the fluid intake increases the power of the infection reduces and will also help to control the inflammations
• As urinary tract infection cause on to urinate frequently, it is necessary to keep up the fluid intake in order to counter the loss of fluids from the body

Home Remedies For Chronic Urine Infection 
6. Reduce Sugar Intake

When one suffers from urinary tract infection one needs to cut down on their sugar intake
• High sugar, carbs or fat rich foods increase the blood sugar level in the blood stream. That in turn feeds the bacterial or the fungal infection even more
• It is best to reduce the intake of such foods to replace them with high fiber and nutritional diet which will help to remove the toxins from the body

7. Need To Stay Warm

It is recommended that one stays warm when one is suffering from urinary tract infection
• as the body temperature is kept up, the detoxification process inside the body is elevated
• if one live in cold countries, it is advisable to wear socks and take hot water baths to sterilize themselves and reduce the occurrence of the infection

8. Take A Hot Water Bottle

Many doctors advise that patients take hot water bottles.
• They can apply it in their lower back and pelvic areas.
• this is known to provide relief from the inflammations that occur from the condition of urinary tract infection

9. Power Of Ginger

Among the spices, ginger is known for its healing properties
• when one is suffering from urine infection, drinking tea with ginger will help to soothe the system and to reduce the inflammation
• ginger has healing properties that help to control such infections

10. Drinking Tea

When one has to keep up their fluid intake, it is best to drink tea on a regular basis
• tea that is low on caffeine and high on useful herbs is recommended
• Chamomile tea, ginger tea and peppermint tea are usually recommended to those who suffer from chronic urine infections

11. Eating Magic Mushrooms

• There are some mushrooms of Chinese origin which are known to work miracles on people infected with urine infections
• One should do proper research before procuring such mushroom and consuming them as a remedy for urine infection

12. The Power Of Cranberry

Cranberry is known to have powerful antioxidant properties that can help to reduce such infections naturally
• You could add this fruit to your breakfast
• If you do not get cranberry locally, you could opt for the pills that provide the power of the fruit in a powder form

13. Steps To Take After Intercourse

It is necessary that proper hygiene is maintained after intercourse
• Urinating after intercourse will help to wash away pathogens that might have entered the urethra or the anal area
• One should clean themselves as well after such sessions in order to reduce the chances of incidence of such infections

14. Medicated Cleanses

It is recommended for women to use medicated cleanses in order to reduce the chances of urine infection. As women are more prone to such infections than men, it is necessary that
• they take precaution by wiping themselves with wipes after toilet rituals
• they should ensure that the toilet bowls are clean

15. Maintaining Hygienic Surroundings

• while keeping the public places clean is not in our hands, we could ensure that our home environment is clean
• Ensure that the toilets are cleaned regularly and sanitized
• Regular cleanings of toilet bowls is necessary if the toilets are shared among many

16. Avoid Alcohol

• When someone is suffering from urine infection they need to avoid alcohol intake
• The intake of such fluids will irritate the bladder more which is already inflamed in such conditions

17. Avoid Smoking

Those who are suffering from chronic urine infections show signs of a poor immune system
They need to give up unhealthy habits like smoking as it can:
• aggravate the immune system
• cause more serious complications

18. Intake Of Probiotics

• Food that is rich in probiotic ingredients is helpful for ensuring healthy bacterial growth in the gut
• Yoghurt is a healthy source of probiotics and will help to keep the bacterial environment healthy which in turn will combat bacterial infections like UTI.
Are you suffering from urinary tract infection? Is it chronic? Look up the home remedies and advice given below in order to recover from such ailments.


12 Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home

Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home



12 Ways To Get Rid Of Dandruff At Home


Dandruff is a form of skin eczema or a skin condition which usually occurs in parts of the body where there is high incidence of oil or sebum production. It is a common condition that affects the scalp of many men and women. Many men are found to suffer such a problem and become the butt of jokes among their friends. It is also seen as a sign of poor personal hygiene. Thus, even if dandruff is a common problem, many people see it is as an indication of poor lifestyle and hygiene choices. Men are scared of wearing black suits or shirts as they are scared that this problem will be revealed and they will be ridiculed in society. There are several causes that can be attributed to it and many home remedies that can be tried effectively to deal with such a skin condition.

Causes Of Dandruff

While many people think that dryness of the scalp leads to dandruff, it is usually the opposite and there could be several reasons attributed to it.
  •   It is a form of skin eczema that occurs not only in the scalp but could even occur in other areas of the skin. It is usually characterized by high sebum production.
  •   It is assumed that a yeast which lives on the skin, known as Malassezia furfur, plays a role in causing dandruff
  •   Skin cells which form in the scalp continuously, might be shed at a faster rate than it is normal which leads to the skin cells being seen as white flakes
  •   If the yeast on the skin overgrows it could lead to dandruff
  •   Stress, hormonal changes, too much oil or immune system deficiencies could lead to dandruff

Symptoms Of Dandruff

The symptoms of dandruff are several:
  •   There are white flakes which lie on the scalp and is visible on the scalp as well as on clothes
  •   There might be hair loss
  •   The scalp might feel itchy and on scratching, the white flakes fall off from the hair
  •   It might come on with red and blotchy skin on other parts of the body like the face or hands

Top Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff

There are many common home ingredients that one can utilize in order to get rid of dandruff from the scalp. These are easily used as they use common ingredients which are harmless. Most are actually beneficial for the skin as well. Thus, the main advantage of opting for a home remedy is that, not only is the problem addressed, one will be able to nourish their scalp and hair as well.
Top Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff

1.    Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to be a handy ingredient in home remedies for different ailments and skin conditions. In such a condition the vinegar works in getting rid of the excess skin before it starts to flake off. In case of dandruff being caused by fungus, it will work as an effective fungicide. The way of using this ingredient in getting rid of dandruff is explained below:
Ingredients required:
•    Half a cup of white or apple cider vinegar
•    Half a cup of warm water
Directions for use:
The water and the vinegar need to be mixed in a cup. The total amount will vary as per the amount of hair one has. The mixture needs to be poured over the hair and massaged on the scalp gently for a few minutes. It should be rinsed off with water alone. One should wait for eight to twelve hours before shampooing the hair. It can be repeated once or twice a week.

2.    Use Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common ingredient that is used in many recipes as well as for remedying many kinds of infections. It can help to remove due to its exfoliating nature that can help remove excess skin. It can even act as a fungicide. If the cause of dandruff is fungus the baking soda particles can combine with the excess skin particles and remove them before they turn into flakes.
Ingredients required:
•    1 tsp of baking soda
•    A cup of water
•    One could even add a few drops of rosemary oil
The tablespoon of baking soda needs to be mixed in one cup of warm water. The mixture should be stirred and applied on the scalp generously. It could be used in place of shampoo as well, especially if one is using rosemary which lends a pleasant smell.

3.    The Power Of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is known to be a plant whose seeds are used as spice especially in Indian cuisine. It has several medicinal purposes as well. It being rich in amino acid and protein, it can help to promote healthy hair growth and a healthy scalp as well as ward off dandruff troubles. The high concentration of lecithin that it contains makes the hair smooth and silky soft.
Ingredients required:
•    2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
•    A bowl of water
•    A grinder
The two spoons of seeds need to be soaked in water overnight. The next morning, a fine paste should be made with the help of a grinder. When applied on the scalp and left on for 30 minutes or more it will wield relief from dandruff. Wash off with water or a mild shampoo to find the dandruff problem visibly reduced.

4.    Using Neem Leaves

Neem is an Indian herb that is known for its numerous medicinal properties. It will surely work wonders for your dandruff. Not only will it help to soothe the scalp skin if it is feeling itchy, its antifungal properties will ensure that there is no overgrowth of fungus which can aggravate the dandruff condition.
•    1-2 handful of neem leaves
•    4-5 cups of hot water
One needs to add the neem leaves to the hot water and allow the mixture to stand overnight. The next morning, the solution should be obtained by straining the mixture. This should then be used to rinse the hair. A paste could also be made out of the leaves and applied on the scalp. This paste should be allowed to sit for an hour before it is washed off with water.

5.    Use The Listerine Mouthwash

You might be using Listerine as an antiseptic mouthwash at home. If you do so, you can readily use it for getting rid of dandruff from the hair. This product was originally discovered in the nineteenth century and was initially used as a surgical antiseptic by the dentists. As it helps to fight fungus mostly, it is an effective remedy against dandruff.
•    Water
•    Listerine in natural color
One needs to mix water and Listerine as one part in two parts of water. When such a mixture is made, this solution can be used to spray onto the scalp or applied after the hair has been shampooed. The solution should be allowed to work on the scalp for 30 minutes and after that, the scalp and be washed off with water. The dandruff problem should be cured if this is repeated once or twice a week.

6.    Increase The Dose Of Vitamin D

If you are wondering which supplement is being talked about here, you can get this vitamin from the most natural source that is the sunlight. It has been found that dandruff is reduced as the exposure to sunlight is increased. It could also be that, the dry weather in winter which brings on dandruff in many cases, could also be due to the reduced effect of sunlight at such a time. Such a home remedy is the most natural one where there are no specific measurements to be taken into consideration.
One should sit in the sun or try and be outdoors when there is bright sunlight. This should be done for at least ten to fifteen minutes. One should take care of their skin at the same time. Applying a sunblock will prevent the problem of sunburn coming on due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. If one is outside doing outdoor activities, they will also feel healthier in their mind and body.

7.    The Use Of Aspirin

If you did not know it, you will be surprised to know that aspirin can cure more than  headaches. Such tablets can be used effectively as a solution for dandruff at home. It is mainly due to the salicylic acid content in these tablets. This is an active ingredients which is also used in many commercial anti dandruff shampoos. The anti microbial and anti fungal properties that salicylic acid has makes it effective against dandruff. In case of inflamed skin caused due to scratching and irritation, the aspirin will soothe the infected skin as well.
•    Two aspirin tablets
•    Regular shampoo
The aspirin tablets need to be crushed into fine powder. It should then be added to the regular shampoo before it is applied to the hair. Once the shampoo is mixed with the aspirin powder, it should be added to the scalp and allowed to sit for two minutes. After that the hair should be rinsed off. This could be repeated every other day till the dandruff problem is under control.

8.    Having A Healthy Diet

It is said that, having a healthy and balanced diet will help to cure and prevent many of the ailments from recurring or persisting. Even in case of skin conditions like dandruff it is known that diet can play a role. As excess sebum production is the cause of dandruff, it usually is aggravated if one consumes unhealthy fatty food or food that is rich in unhealthy fats or oils. Thus, one should ensure the following directions and ingredients in their diet.
•    Fresh and green, leafy vegetables like lettuce, kale and broccoli but not iceberg
•    Home cooked meals with less oil and fat including lean protein like nuts, beans and egg
•    Fish oil supplements
When following a healthy diet at home, one needs to ensure that the above mentioned ingredients comprise their meals mostly. Eating junk food or oily food outside should be refrained from. Increasing the intake of vitamins and minerals will help to fight the skin condition as well as lean protein sources like meat, eggs and fish.

9.    Use Of Lemon

Lemon may have certain acidic properties that helps to remove the flakes and to reduce the excess oil from the scalp. Thus, if the dandruff has been caused due to excess oil in the scalp, the lemon juice helps to cut down its effect.
•    Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one more spoon of it separately
•    One cup of water
One needs to apply the two tablespoons of lemon juice directly to the scalp. After it is allowed to sit for a minute, one can mix the other spoon of lemon juice in the cup of water and rinse the hair with it. One should be careful not to allow the lemon juice to it for too long as it can dry out the scalp.

10.    Using Tea Tree Oil

Even though excess oil or sebum is seen as a root cause of dandruff, some oils can help to keep it under control. Tea tree oil is known for its medicinal properties. The oil is known to work as a fungicide and can be used on skin which feels sore or itchy.
•    A teaspoon of tea tree oil
•    A cup of warm water
One should mix the tea tree oil in the warm water and add it to a squirt bottle if there is one. This mixture should be added to the scalp and massaged well after shampooing, it should not be washed out. One should be careful that this oil is not ingested.

11.    The Power Of Aloe Vera Gel

Many people know that aloe vera gel has soothing properties especially when it comes to skin conditions. For sun burns and other skin infections one can utilize the soothing power of aloe vera. The skin cell proliferation process is slowed down by aloe vera. As it helps to reduce the pace at which cells grow, it will help to stop the skin cells from regenerating fast on the scalp. Thus, it will certainly prove to be an effective home remedy for dandruff.
•    A bottle of pure aloe vera gel
The use of aloe vera gel for dandruff is easy and convenient. It simply needs to be applied on the scalp fifteen minutes before shampooing. After that, it can be washed off as usual by normal shampoo routine.

12.    Using Table Salt

While aloe vera and tea tree oil is not easily found at home, you will surely find the humble table salt. It is the common ingredient without which no food prepared is complete in its taste. This can also act as an effective home remedy for dandruff. As it is known to have gentle exfoliating properties, it can help to reduce dandruff on the scalp.
•    3 tablespoons of table salt or Epsom salt
The salt should be used on dry or slightly dampened scalp. If the scalp has been feeling itchy due to the dandruff, this action will provide relief. Rub the salt gently on the scalp till it has dissolved. After that one can wash off the scalp. This will provide relief from the dandruff problem. One can even shampoo after using this common home remedy.

Top 6 Anti Dandruff Shampoos In US

The top 6 noteworthy shampoos for fighting the dandruff in US are as follows:
  1.   Nizoral is considered to be a noteworthy product containing ketoconazole which is an antifungal agent known to be more effective than other ingredients in the market for fighting dandruff. This is one of the popular brands exclusively associated with dandruff treatment.
  2.   US has had a classic anti dandruff shampoo in Head & Shoulders brand for many years now. It is one of the most affordable brands which consists of the anti fungal agent zinc pyrithione. It is known to be effective in fighting organisms that bring on dandruff and it is picked up by the general public the most. The brand’s marketing makes it a retail product in this category that is highly recalled.
  3.   Neutrogena is another reliable skin brand whose anti dandruff shampoo works as well. Coal tar is an ingredient in this shampoo which slows down the production of skin cells that cause dandruff. It thus, helps to reduce and stop the formation of dandruff.
  4.   Denorex is another US brand that is lesser known and utilizes sulfur as well as salicylic acid as the main ingredients to combat dandruff
  5.   There is a rise in natural shampoo products as well and it is not surprising that there are options for anti dandruff treatments as well. The Body Shop offers a ginger based anti dandruff shampoo. It claims that the goodness of the ginger extract will be able to help one get rid of the dandruff problem for good
  6.   Jason offers an organic product that promises to take good care of a flaky scalp. It is a form of medicated cleanser which will work on controlling the dandruff but also helps to soothe, heal as well as moisturize the scalp.

Top 5 Anti Dandruff Shampoos In India

If one is looking at the best brands or products in India known for reliable dandruff fighting action, here are the top five:
  1.   Matrix is a brand that has not been around for long but it is definitely heating up the arena of hair care in this country. The Scalp Therapie Anti Dandruff shampoo that it has launched comes with mint complex and kola nut which help to control the oil secretion in the scalp without drying out the scalp or the hair. It also comes with Bio Cushion complex as well as pyrithione zinc which helps to cleanse the scalp of pollutants and keep away such causes of dandruff as well
  2.   Nizoral is a popular brand in India too and it’s anti dandruff shampoo has been making waves. The anti fungal agent called ketoconasol which it contains works on such fungus effectively that makes the fungus persist. While it offers many advantages, it is not easily available across all locations in the country
  3.   Cipla is the next pharma brand that has a reliable medicated shampoo for removing dandruff from one’s hair. This product is recommended by most dermatologists when they see persistent cases of dandruff or skin eczema problems. no matter what the cause, this product will surely take care of the dandruff problem
  4.   Body Shop in India too has made its anti dandruff natural shampoo product famous. Made out of ginger extracts, it has a natural cleansing effect on the scalp. It will nourish and rejuvenate the hair roots and the scalp and take care of the dandruff problem as well
  5.   If you are not worried about cosmetic brands and chemicals, you can certainly bank upon Pantene. This brand has an anti dandruff shampoo that has stood the tests of time. The shampoo is known to contain Pro V complex and ZPT and will erase the dandruff problem within a few washes.
If you have been suffering from dandruff and it has been persistent, you might not find any of the above products very effective. They have short term benefit mostly and one will need to rely upon them regularly. It is crucial to get to the bottom of the problem. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle will ensure that you take in the right amount of oils, fats and protein and have enough exposure to sunlight. These are conditions that can fortify the system from inside and prevent one from suffering such a skin condition persistently. Have you been a victim of dandruff and suffered shame for it? There are many men who suffer such a problem and are unable to deal with it. The strong chemicals in the medicated shampoos tend to make the scalp dry and rob the hair of the natural moisture content. If you are aware of other ways to deal with the dandruff problem, feel free to share your ideas.


12 Ways To Get Rid of Gas and Bloating

Gas and Bloating


12 Ways To Get Rid of Gas and Bloating



Even though gas and bloating can be a common condition suffered by most people in their daily lives, if it occurs to such an extent that one cannot do their daily function, that is when it is cause for concern. One needs to understand the reasons why excessive gas accumulates in the stomach. It is mainly due to the kind of diet pattern that one follows. Again, bloating and distension of the stomach are related conditions that are again brought about by certain physiological and dietary conditions. It is necessary to understand the causes and symptoms in order to find the right remedies for the same.

Causes Of Gas And Bloating

The cause of bloating of the abdomen can be due to:
  • Increase in air in the abdomen
  • Increase of fluids in the abdomen
  • Growth of tissue
Thus, even though normal bloating of the stomach is usually due to the accumulation of excess gas, bloating can also be caused by other ailments or conditions.
Flatulence or accumulation of gas in the stomach arises mainly due to two reasons:
  • Gas may accumulate when excessive air has been swallowed in the act of eating or in the course of other bodily actions
  • The bacteria in the gut produce gas as a byproduct while working on decomposing the food. Excessive air might be produced by such bacteria by reacting to certain food groups.
  • Sugars, starchy food and certain vegetables like cabbage is known to produce gas and bloating

Symptoms Of Gas And Bloating

When excessive gas is formed in the stomach or stomach becomes bloated, the following symptoms are seemed:
  • Excessive passing of gas or flatulence
  • Stomach feels tight
  • Discomfort in the chest area
  • Burping or belching
These are the common symptoms which are experienced when excessive gas or bloating of the stomach happens.

Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating

When one suffers from gas and bloating often, it is indicative of certain culprits that lie in one’s dietary intake. Indeed, the kind of food that one consumes along with lifestyle patterns are responsible for bringing on such conditions....

1. Sugary Food Intake To Be Reduced

It is known that excess gas is produced when sugary food is poorly digested. They are either maldigested or malabsorbed leading to production of excessive gas:
• The lactose present in the milk might be poorly digested
• Sorbitol which is a sweetener found in many low calorie food items can lead to gas
• Fructose found in the form of high fructose corn syrup is a sweetener that is used in most candies and drinks

2. Starchy Food To Be Avoided

It is known that starches are a common source of gas accumulation in the intestine. The common forms of starchy food are:
• Corn
• Rice
• Potatoes
• Oats
• Wheat

3. Whole Wheat Flour Products To Be Avoided

One needs to check whether they are suffering from such symptoms after consuming whole wheat flour products:
• Whole grain products consist of complex carbs that take effort to digest and may produce considerable gas
• Refined flour products can be substituted in such case if the above items are leading to a feeling of bloatedness

4. Cabbage To Be Avoided

If one is suffering from excessive gas it could be due to:
• Intake of vegetables like cabbage which consist of starches that are poorly digested
• As that reaches the colon and the bacteria work on it, gas is produced

5. Consume Vegetables And Fruits In Moderation

If one is suffering from gas and excessive bloated feeling they need to:
• Reduce the intake of whole fruits and vegetables
• Consume them in boiled or cooked form which is more easily digestible
As these items contain fiber or complex carbs, they will take more time to digest and will lead to excessive gas production in the stomach.

6. Positions To Take

There are many positions that one can take up in order to find relief:
• Lie back on the bed
• Put up the legs a ninety degree angle
Such a position helps the gas to leave the system and provides relief.

7. The Power Of Turmeric

• Use turmeric in organic form
• Used in cooking food will also provide relief

8. Try Clove Tea

Clove is known to provide relief if one adds it to the tea:
• Clove added to boiling water an allowed to stand to ten minutes
• The tea prepared with such water will act as an anti flatulent.

9. Ginger

Ginger is known for its properties to help improve digestion and related processes:
• It can help to digest and soothe the stomach acids
• Reduce the gas formation in the stomach and provide relief

10. Try Tea With Different Herbs And Ingredients

• Consuming peppermint is known to provide relief when one suffers from gas or bloatedness
• A bit of lemon juice squeezed in such tea will help to bust the extra gas that accumulates in the system

11. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are known to work wonders for gas or bloatedness:
• One could try chewing fennels seeds. The juice from the seeds will reach the stomach and work on the gas directly
• The seeds can be used by crushing them and pouring boiling water over them

12. Try Parsley

This herb not only adds a delightful flavor to the food, it can also help to prevent excess gas accumulation:
• It can be had finely minced on top of food
• Can be added while cooking food
Are you suffering from gas and flatulence problem frequently? You will certainly find relief if you opt for the above remedies. You need to increase physical activities in order to have a healthier digestive system. Once one leads an active lifestyle, they will be able to consume the complex carbs and fruits and vegetables without suffering from excessive flatulence problem. Are you wondering what causes gas and bloatedness? The above points mentioned will help to provide answers to such queries.

How To Get Rid Of Painful Ear Ache

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Painful Ear Pain


How To Get Rid Of Painful Ear Ache



Ear ache can be a painful condition for children as well as for adults. It is found to be a common reason for which the children are brought in to the doctors to be diagnosed. It is common more in children than in adults as they are more exposed to germs and cold and they have a developing immunity system. The ear ache or pain is constant or it could be increase or wane. It could be a sharp or a dull pain, burning sensation or throbbing pain. No matter what are the causes and the consecutive symptoms, there are many simple home remedies that can provide relief.

Causes Of Ear Pain

The pain of ear ache can be different in people and children. The causes of ear ache could also differ. While some conditions affect the ears directly, there are other conditions that can lead to ear pain as well as a side effect.
•    Fluid that builds up inside the ears is a common cause for ear pain and infection. It usually builds up deep inside the ear drum. It is known as glue ear and affects the children more.
•    There could be infection inside the ear canals
•    A boil could occur or a hair follicle could be infected inside the ear canal
•    Eczema could occur inside the ear canal
•    If sharp objects are poked inside or cotton buds poked in hard, it could injure the ear canal
•    Blockages could result from plugs of ear wax
•    From colds or throat infections
•    Jaw pain or joint pain
•    Wisdom tooth problems
Thus, the causes of ear pain could be several. The pain that is caused as a result could vary which produces different symptoms.

Symptoms Of Ear Pain

When children or babies face ear pain, the following symptoms become apparent:
•    Babies may seem to be irritable and hot
•    They might be rubbing, pulling or tugging at the ear
•    They might develop a high fever
•    Children might show a loss in appetite
•    Babies will feed poorly
•    Hearing is not normal
•    There might be balance problems
•    Other symptoms include stiff neck, tiredness and poor responses.
For adults, the symptoms are similar and they will experience a pain that is either sharp or dull and throbbing.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Painful Ear Ache

It is necessary to seek home remedies that can help to ease the pain. Even if you are consulting a doctor, till the time the right medication is prescribed, there are many effective home remedies that can help to reduce the ear pain. What is more, if there is infection or inflammation, there are simple home ingredients that can be used to control such symptoms.

1.    Warm Compress

It has been seen that a warm compress will help to reduce the pain in the ear.
•    The heat helps to bring relief
•    If there is a swelling it will go down
•    If the ear pain is due to cold, it will help to reduce the pain

2.    Resort To Pain Medications At Home

If you do not have access to a doctor immediately and the pain is really intense you could:
•    Resort to ibuprofen
•    Take aspirin or acetaminophen
However, such pain medication should not be given to children below eighteen. For them, it is best to refer to a pediatrician before any kind of medication is given.

3.    Olive Oil

It is known that warm olive oil can work wonders for ear pain:
•    Warm a few drops of olive oil
•    Put in a clean bottle with a narrow tip
•    Administer a few drops inside the infected ear
•    Plug the ear to allow the oil to work and not come out

4.    Clear The Nose

If you have a stuffy nose as well as ear pain, it could be due to the cold. It would help to clear the nose because:
•    If the air passageway are cleared then the pressure on the ear canal will reduce
•    That will help to ease the pain

5.    Use Of Onion

One can use onion as a paste to relive inflammations. If the ear pain is due to a swelling apply:
•    A paste of onion powder and water
•    Apply the paste on the outer region of the ear to get relief

6.    Garlic And Mullein Flower

If you do not have olive oil you can use the following combination:
•    Garlic oil and mullein flower oil mixture
•    This combination is known to fight microbes that cause disease and can help to reduce inflammation

7.    Lavender Oil

If one has outer ear irritation they can apply:
•    Lavender oil on the outer ear and rub it in gently
•    It works in a soothing manner and can be applied through the day

8.    Wiggling The Ears

One can wiggle the ears in the following manner to obtain relief as well as in their children:
•    Yawning or wiggling will make the Eustachian tubes pop
•    That will relieve the pressure and allow the trapped fluids to drain out

9.    Try Steam And Eucalyptus Oil

In order to clear out the fluid that may have accumulated in the nasal passageways and the ear one can opt to:
•    Prepare steaming water along with drops of eucalyptus
•    Inhale the steam to allow the oil to work on opening up the passageways

10.    Increase Vitamin Intake

If the ear pain is due to cold, it is important to supplement one’s diet with:
•    Vitamin A
•    Vitamin C
•    Vitamin E
Even though the effect will be indirect but these will bolster the immune system.

11.    Jaw Exercises

One can perform the simple steps to keep the ear canals open:
•    Move the jaws up and down rapidly
•    Doing this every other day will help to keep the ear canals open

12.    Avoid Putting Anything In The Ear

It is important that one should not put anything into the ear like:
•    Sharp objects
•    Inserting cotton swabs
•    Allowing dirt to enter the ears
Are you suffering from ear pain? If you are suffering from such pain and do not know how to seek relief, you may do so with the above mentioned simple remedies.

6 Air Purifying House Plants

Photo: 6 Air Purifying House Plants  1. Bamboo Palm: It removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.  2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.  3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.  4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants NASA deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.  5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.  6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night. share with friends and family 


6 Air Purifying House Plants

1. Bamboo Palm: It removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.

2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.

3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.

4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants NASA deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.

5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.

6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.

Simple Juice Recipe To Lower Your Blood Pressure.

9 Great Reason to Drink water

Top 15 Superfoods To Combat Anemia

Top 15 Superfoods To Combat Anemia

Top 15 Superfoods To Combat Anemia

This is one of the most common disorders of blood. A person is said to have anemia when the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is low.  Hemoglobin is a protein present inside the red blood cells and it helps in the transportation of oxygen to various parts of the body. Women are more prone to anemia. There are different varieties of anemia caused by several reasons and are divided into three groups.
•    Blood loss anemia
•    Blood cell destruction or hemolysis anemia
•    Deficient red cell production anemia.

Causes Of Anemia

Some of the main causes of anemia in women are
•    Deficiency of iron
•    Deficiency of vitamin B12
•    Deficiency of folic acid
•    Lactation
•    Excessive blood loss
•    Worm infestation in the stomach and intestine.
•    Smoking
•    Aging
•    High BMI
•    Inherited disorders like sickle cell anemia
•    Some medications
•    Diseases such as arthritis, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease

The Symptoms Of Anemia

The most common symptom of anemia are given below
•    Lethargy
•    Tiredness
•    Malaise or the feeling that one is not well
•    Shortness of breath
•    Palpitation
•    Sensitivity to cold
Some of the rare symptoms of anemia are
•    Swelling of the legs and arms
•    Chronic heartburn
•    Increased sweating
•    Vomiting
•    Blood in stools

Superfoods To Fight Anemia:

A healthy diet is a prerequisite for any anemic patients. It is vital for you to include foods that are rich in Vitamin B12, folic acid and Vitamin C in your diet apart from most important ingredient iron. The following are the top 15 superfoods that will help you to get rid of anemia.

1.    Spinach

Spinach is a very popular leafy vegetable that help in preventing anemia. It is a rich source of calcium, Vitamins A, B9, E and C, iron, fiber and beta carotene. It will help in improving the overall health of your body. It is found out that half a cup of boiled spinach contains 3.2 mg of iron and this accounts for about 20 percent of the iron requirement for a woman’s body. So, make sure that you take spinach in your daily diet to increase the blood in your body.
Ways To Consume Spinach
•    You can increase the quantity of spinach in your green vegetable salad and can include it with other green vegetables like celery, broccoli, kale and watercress to easily fight anemia. Eat a plate full of green salad every day to fight anemia.
•    You can also boil the spinach leaves in a cup of water and add necessary seasoning to make a good soup. Drink spinach soup two times a day to fight anemia.

2.    Beetroot

Beetroot is known to be very effective in fighting anemia. It is a vegetable that is filled with iron content. It will help in repairing and reactivating your red blood cells. Once the red blood cells are activated, the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body increases. Adding beet-root in any form in your daily diet will help to easily fight anemia.
Ways To Use Beetroot
•    Beetroot can be mixed with other leafy vegetables as well as vegetables like carrot, capsicum, tomatoes and so on to make a good salad. Consume this every day to fight anemia.
•    You can also crush one or two beetroot in a juicer mixer to prepare a glass of beetroot juice. Having this glass of juice every day in the morning along with breakfast will improve the RBC count.

3.    Red Meat

There is rich iron content in lamb, beef and other red meats. It contains heme-iron which will be easily absorbed by the body. The heart, kidneys, and the liver of the red meats are those parts that contain high quantities of iron. It is also a great source of Vitamin B12. It is said that the beef liver has more than 600 percent of your daily requirements of iron.
Consumption Of Red Meat
•    Three ounces of cooked beef or chicken or ham have about 1 to 2.5 mg of heme iron. Make sure that you consume red meat at least two to three times a week to fight anemia.
•    Including 3 ounces of beef liver or chicken liver will help in increasing your red blood cell count as it contains about 2.1 mg of heme-iron. Try to include these livers in your daily diet.

4.    Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a rich source of iron. Try to include peanut butter in your daily diet. If you do not like the taste of peanut butter, you can also think of eating a handful or roasted peanuts everyday to fight anemia. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 0.6 mg of iron.
Ways To Consume Peanut Butter
•    Peanut butter can be used on your morning breakfast bread. Drinking orange juice along with your peanut butter spread bread will help in quick absorption of iron in your body.
•    You can also take two tablespoons of plain peanut butter everyday to fight anemia.
•    Adding peanut butter while cooking will also help in fighting anemia.

5.    Tomatoes

Vitamin C is the main ingredient in tomatoes along with lycopene. The Vitamin C in tomatoes helps in easy absorption of iron. Tomatoes are also rich in beta carotene and Vitamins E and hence help in natural conditioning of the hair and skin.
Usage Of Tomatoes
•    You can eat one or two raw tomatoes everyday to increase Vitamin C in your body and to encourage quick iron absorption.
•    You can also drink a glass of raw tomato juice every day to fight anemia.
•    Adding tomatoes while preparing food everyday will also help in combating anemia.

6.    Eggs

Eggs are a rich source of proteins and contain a lot of antioxidants that will help in stocking up vitamins in the body when you are suffering from anemia. A large egg is said to contain 1 mg of iron and hence consumption of an egg everyday will help in fighting anemia.
Egg Preparations:
•    A boiled egg is one way of adding eggs to your daily diet. Take a boiled egg every day with your daily breakfast to boost vitamins in your body.
•    You can consume a poached egg or a half boiled egg or full boiled egg or egg scrambler along with your daily breakfast to improve bone joints.

7.    Pomegranates

One of the popular fruits that contain a rich source of iron and Vitamin C is pomegranates. It helps in improving the blood flow in your body and is also very effective in treating anemic symptoms like weakness, dizziness, exhaustion and even loss of hearing.
•    Make it a point to eat one full pomegranate every day to reduce the anemic symptoms.
•    You can also prepare a strong juice out of the pomegranate seeds and consume a glass of it everyday with your breakfast.

8.    Soy Beans

Beans are a great source of iron and vitamins. Soybeans are considered to be the beans that contain high iron content. It contains phytic acid that prevents the absorption of iron. Soybean is a low fat and high protein food that fights anemia.   It is important for you to prepare the soybeans properly in order to gain maximum health benefits.
•    You need to soak the soy beans in warm water overnight to reduce the phytic acid in the beans.
•    You can use half a cup of boiled soybeans in your food or eat it with some seasoning to enjoy half the recommended daily consumption of iron.

9.    Whole Grain Bread

A slice of whole grain bread is said to contain about six percent of the daily iron required for the body. It is a very good source of non-heme iron and will help the body to fight deficiency of iron effectively. The whole grains in the bread contain phytic acid that has the potential to inhibit iron in the body. But, since whole grain bread is prepared through fermenting process, the phytic acid inhibitors in the grains are significantly lowered.
•    Replace your white bread with whole grain bread for breakfast.
•    Take two to three slices of whole grain bread every day to boost iron levels in the body.

10.    Nuts

Nuts are a great source of iron and will help you to easily boost the iron levels in your body. It helps you immensely to gain iron levels in your body even when you are on the move.
•    Pistachio nuts are the best source of iron as it contains 15 mg of iron in 100 grams of nuts.
•    Take a handful of pistachio and apricot nuts everyday as a mid breakfast snack or mid afternoon snack everyday to increase iron levels in the body.

11.    Seafood

Fish will also help in preventing anemia as it contains iron. Some of the popular fatty fishes like salmon, tuna as well as sea foods like mussels and oysters are rich in iron. It is said that pacific oysters contain 7.2 mg of iron per 100 gram servings.
•    Make it a habit to include fatty fishes or seafood at least three times a week to help in preventing anemia.
•    You can take roasted or baked salmon once in two days to boost iron levels in your body.

12.    Honey

Honey is very good for the entire body. It contains a good amount of iron. You will get about 0.42 mg of iron in 100 grams of honey. Moreover, honey also contains copper and magnesium that will help in increasing the hemoglobin in your body.
•    Adding one tablespoon of honey to a glass of fresh lemon juice early in the morning on an empty stomach everyday will help in effectively fighting anemia.

13.    Peaches, Prunes and Raisins

•    Peaches, raisins and prunes are found to be a rich source of iron. In fact, dried peaches contain 6 mg of iron per 100 grams.
•    You need to take half a bowl of mixture of peaches, prunes and raisins along with your breakfast or as a health mid day snack everyday to improve iron in your body.

14.    Add Molasses To  Your Baked Dishes

•    One tablespoon of molasses is said to contain 3.2 mg of iron.
•    Make sure that you add molasses to your baking in order to increase the iron intake and to enjoy tasty foods.

15.     Apple And Dates

Apple and dates are also known to help in boosting iron levels in the body.
•    The Vitamin C in the apple helps the body to absorb non heme-iron.
•    Apple contains 0.12 mg of iron per 100 grams.
•    Dates also contain high quantities of iron and are very useful to fight anemia.
•    Eating an apple a day and about 10 dates daily will help to fight anemia.
If you feel that your body is tired and if you are lethargic, it may be due to anemia.  Long-term anemia can lead to depression and make you susceptible to infections. Anemia can also result in nerve damage. Are you suffering from the anemia symptoms? Are you looking for the natural method to combat the problem? Try the above given super foods and lead a healthy life.