Tuesday 26 November 2013

Home Remedies for High Blood PressureHome Remedies for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a common health problem seen in many people. It is also known as hypertension, a chronic medical condition that occurs when there is an elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. Usually the blood pressure is measured by the systolic and diastolic movements. High blood pressure is reported if the reading is at or above 140/90 mmHg persistently.
There are many causes that may result in this health problem, some of them are stress, genetic factors, excessive intake of salt, obesity, high alcohol intake, lack of physical activity, pain killers, birth control pills, adrenal diseases, and kidney diseases etc.
Hypertension may lead to many chronic health conditions including heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, and chronic kidney failures. Though there are many medicines that are prescribed to control hypertension. But there are many simple home remedies that can help you prevent and control high blood pressure.

Here are some of the natural remedies for hypertension that are available in your kitchen


Banana is the best natural remedy for blood pressure. Eat one or two bananas daily to keep your high blood pressure in control. The high potassium present in the banana will help you control the blood pressure level. It aids you to be free of cholesterol, with its low sodium levels. Apart from banana, you can also try eating spinach, dried apricots, orange juice, raisins, currants, baked sweet potatoes, winter squash, zucchini, and cantaloupe.


Garlic processes the great properties that help you get blood pressure in control. Either raw or cooked form garlic helps you in reducing cholesterol level. Whenever you have your blood pressure level high then try eating 1 – 2 slightly crushed cloves of garlic regularly. As crushed garlic cloves generate hydrogen sulfide, which helps in promoting good flow of blood, decreases the pressure on the heart and gets rid of gas. You can also take 5 to 6 drops of garlic juice mixed with 4 teaspoons of water two times a day for better results.


Celery contains high levels of 3-N-butylphthalide, which is a ‘phytochemical’ that helps you to control high blood pressure level. Eat celery regularly to see improvement in your blood pressure level. It also helps you in stress hormones reduction that constricts the blood vessels, which may lead to high BP. If you like celery then you can munch on to lower your BP or you can consume one stalk of it along with one glass of water every day.


Lemon is one of the best remedies for hypertension. It makes the blood vessels soft and flexible removing their rigidness, making the blood pressure levels low. Lemon contains high amounts of Vitamin B, so regularly consuming lemon helps you prevent for heart failure. If you are having high blood pressure then you must drink fresh lemon juice as many times as possible. Drinking one glass lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning on empty stomach is good for health. Avoid adding salt or sugar for good results.


Honey Honey has a soothing effect on your blood vessels and helps in reducing the pressure from the heart, in turn lowers high blood pressure. Consuming 1 or 2 tbsps of honey daily will help you in controlling hypertension. Taking two teaspoons of honey early in the morning on empty stomach is a very good option. You can otherwise mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of ginger juice and 2 teaspoons of powered cumin seeds and eat it two times a day. You can also consume the mixture of honey and basil juice on empty stomach regularly for better results.

Onion Juice:

Onion Juice Onion is an effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. You can eat one raw onion (medium sized) on a daily basis or consume the mixture of honey and onion juice. Taking 1/2 teaspoon of onion juice mixed with 1/2 teaspoon honey twice every day, will aid you in reducing the blood pressure level. You can notice a good improvement in your BP levels by taking onion juice twice a day for about 1 – 2 weeks.

Cayenne Pepper:

SONY DSC If you are suffering from mild hypertension then cayenne pepper is the best natural remedy you can take. It makes the blood flow smooth by preventing the blood platelets from forming clumps and prevents their accumulation in the blood. Cayenne pepper can be added to vegetable salad or fruit salad. You can even add a generous pinch of cayenne pepper powder into your soup and drink it. Use only a small pinch of cayenne pepper as it is very spicy.

Coconut Water:

It is always good to keep your body well hydrated and it is recommended if you’re suffering with high BP. Drink about 8 – 10 glasses of water every day. You can also drink tender coconut or coconut water, along with regular water for good results. Coconut water is tasty and processes nutritional values as well. They help in lowering and controlling the hypertension levels. You can improve blood pressure level by consuming coconut water regularly. You can also try using coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek Seeds Fenugreek seeds are most effective remedy for lowering the high blood pressure level. Take one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them for about 2 minutes in water. Now strain out the water from the fenugreek seeds and bled them in a fine paste. Eat one tablespoon of this paste early in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening respectively. Continue for two or three months to control and lower your blood pressure level.

Watermelon Seeds:

A compound called ‘cucurbocitrin’ that is present in Watermelon seeds widens the blood capillaries. Apart for this it also improves the kidneys functionality. It also reduces blood pressure level in arthritis. Crush 2 table spoons of dried watermelon seeds and add them to one cup of boiled water. After leaving it for about an hour, strain the seeds and take 4 tbsps of this water at regular intervals.

Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly



Top 10 Home Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly

Weight loss can be attained with a full-body exercise routine. You can shed your extra pounds by burning the excess calories that you consumed. Going to a gym to workout is a very good option to attain weight loss. But many people cannot afford all the fancy equipment of the gyms. Many body-weight exercises don’t require any gym equipment. These exercises that can be done anywhere and anytime, they are pushups, squats and many other moves that use your body weight.
These body weight exercises also help you in burning calories, building muscle and also help in boosting your metabolism. Though, sometimes using body weight alone to exercise can bring in stress instead of strength.
Generally a full body workout involves pushups, planks, leaps, squats, lunges and glute bridges.

Here are the Top 10 recommended work outs To Lose Weight At Home :

1. Push-Ups:

Triceps-pushups Push-up is a basic exercise that is done by simply raising and lowering the body with the support of the arms.  Triceps pushups are done by placing your hands on the floor right below your shoulders, while holding your body straight.  Now lower your chest by bending your elbows and pushing back into the initial position. If you feel this exercise difficult, you can make it easier by placing your knees on the floor. This exercise trains the muscles of chest, shoulders and arms.

2. Bridge:

Bridge Bridge exercise usually strengthens the whole abdominal region, hamstrings, the lower back and the glutes. It is considered as the basic rehab exercise that improves spinal stabilization. Lie down on your back by putting your arms by your sides. Now bend your knees and raise your hips while maintain your back straight and keeping your feet on the floor. Let the hips be in a straight line with your shoulders and knees. Hold it there for 30 seconds and gently lower your hips back to the initial position and repeat the same for several minutes.

3. Leaps:

Skaters Leaps Leaps / skaters are leg strengthening exercises. This is a great exercise for sports persons, which improve speed and grace. In order to do perfect leaps, get into a semi-squat position and jump sideways and then land on your right foot. Repeat the same process in the opposite direction, now land on your left foot. You can perform these leaps regularly to strengthen your legs.

4. Plank Crawl:

Plank Crawl One of the best plank variations involves crawling. This exercise routine helps you tone your abs, back, and shoulders. Crawls are designed to use the upper and lower body in unison. To do a plank crawl you need to get in a pushup position, then lowering yourself down into the plank position by balancing on your forearms, elbows and toes. Now balance on one arm the come back to your initial push-up position, repeat the process by alternating the arm. You have to maintain a straight body during the exercise routine. Plank is commonly practiced in Pilates and yoga. You can decrease the difficulty level by lowering your knees to the floor.

5. Squats:

Squat-EX Squats are really great exercises for your buttocks and legs. Squat is a position in which you couch or sit with knees bent close to the heels with your thighs parallel to the floor. It is a full body work out that primarily targets hips, thighs and buttocks. If you find this exercise routine difficult then try the same sitting on a chair and standing up, now repeat this process a number of times to tone your body and provide some benefit to it.

6. Walking Lunges:

Walking Lunge Walking Lunges are very high intensity exercises that help in strengthening thighs and hips. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now step forward with your right foot the land on your left knee and then on forefoot. Make sure that you keep your knees at 90 degrees approximately. Stand on forward leg with the help of rear leg. Alter the leg and repeat it again. This exercise can be done by holding a pair of dumbbells in both your hands.

7. Single Leg Balance:

Single Leg Balance Stick This is one of the hardcore exercises that targets leg power. The first thing you need to do in this exercise is to balance on your left leg and lean forward at the waist by keeping your body straight. Now extend your right leg towards the ceiling. You should maintain a slight bend in your left knee. Then raise your upper body to the initial position. Repeat it a few times for a better workout. If you found this balancing difficult, hold your back leg for support initially.

8. Superman Back Extension:

Superman-Plank-hotel This exercise will help you increase the strength of the muscles along the lower back and gluteus.  In order to perform this exercise, Lie on your stomach and gently raise your legs and upper body at the same time. Always keep your head straight in this position. Hold it there for 2 – 3 seconds and repeat it for 10 – 12 times daily to increase your leg power.

9. Bird Dog:

Bird Dog Bird-dog is an excellent exercise to stabilize the lower back (spine) during extremity movement. It works on abs, back, hips and butt. Begin with a hands and knees position (downward dog) with your fingers pointing forward. Make sure that your hands are under your shoulders and knees are under your hips. Slowly stretch your opposite leg and arm almost parallel to the floor. Hold your balance for a few seconds without arching or sagging your back. Return to the initial position slowly and repeat the same alternating sides.

10. Side Plank Hip Drops:

Side Plank Hip Drops1 Side plank is the best exercise that helps you build core strength. This exercise primarily targets on arms, legs and back. Begin this exercise routine by lying on one side with your elbow lined directly under your shoulder. Lift your hips off the floor by supporting your body with your forearm and keeping your feet stacked on top of one another on the floor. Hold your torso steady for 3 -5 seconds and then slowly lower your hips onto the floor repeat the same process by switching sides.

20 Benefits of Walking ~

20 Benefits of Walking ~


cancer in human beings

PLEASE READ.... and forward Dr. Brian Berry of the United States has found new cancer in human beings, caused by Silver Nitro Oxide. Whenever you buy recharge cards, don’t scratch with your nails, as it contains Silver Nitro Oxide coating and can cause skin cancer. Share this message with your loved ones.



How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night.
Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this ! Interesting.......
Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water...
Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
I can also add to this... My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.
1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).
Please read on...
Something that we can do to help ourselves - nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.
They work much faster than the tablets.
Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It's about Heart Attacks.
There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.
The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: - Call 911. - Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.- Say "heart attack!" - Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins.
Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ...DO NOT LIE DOWN!
A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you?
Do forward this message. It may save lives!
"Life is a one time gift"

Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~

Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~


Photo: Know about thyroid Dysfunction ~

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No Eye Dark Circle ~

No Eye Dark Circle ~


Vitamin E Skin Booster

Vitamin E Skin Booster ~

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General Detox Including skin

General Detox Including skin ~

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Photo: General Detox Including skin ~

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Top 10 Benefits of Running

Top 10 Benefits of Running


Photo: Top 10 Benefits of Running 

Winter Sore Throat Tea

Winter Sore Throat Tea
Make sure you have some of this ready...great recipe for sore throats and chest colds
.....makes about 2 cups
1. Two lemons thoroughly cleaned and sliced
2. Two piece of ginger about the size of your pointer and middle finger together sliced into coin size pieces
3. Honey (about 1 cup-maybe more)
In a 12-16 oz. jar combine lemon slices and sliced ginger.
Pour honey (organic is best) over it slowly. This may take a little time to let the honey sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. Make sure when the honey has filled in all the voids, there is enough to cover the top of the lemon slices.
Close jar and put it in the fridge, it will form into a "jelly". To serve: Spoon jelly into mug and pour boiling water over it.
Store in fridge 2-3 months.
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You will be needing 40 pcs of guyabano leaves
1 liter clean water



1. Boil the 1 liter water in a sauce pan.
2. As soon as it boils, add the leaves and turn the heat to low.
3. Simmer it for 20 minutes. The color will turn to golden brown or just like the color of regular tea.
4. let it cool before drinking.

The tea is only good for 7-8 hours and may be refrigerated.


*It should only be taken for 30 days. More than that, it will destroy the normal flora.

*After 30 days, have yourself checked by your doctor to examine if the disease is still there. If the symptoms is still there, taper the dose to maintenance dose.

* If the symptoms disappear before the 30 day treatment, continue taking the tea to make sure that no single sick cell is present.

30 day treatment, 3x a day, one glass 30 minutes before meals no skipping.



***Dont mix the tea with other healing substances to avoid incompatibility.

*** Dont overuse the tea. Follow the procedure.


Top 18 Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

Top 18 Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

Foods for Healthy & Thick Hair

To have a healthy and long hair does not depend only on the outside appearance of your hair but also on how healthy you are inside.  According to experts, the good health of every part of the body, which also includes your Hair Health, depends on what you eat. Strong and healthy growth of your hair depends on a balanced diet. The nutrients that are consumed by the body fortify the hair follicles.
Every one loves for healthy hair, whether man or woman. Hair loss or hair fall is a big problem for all of us. To get rid of such a problem and to make our hair strong and healthy, we need to include certain foods in our diet. The increase in the intake of certain foods at each meal and with each meal can bring a tremendous change in our hair growth. Even if you follow a hair nutritious diet for at least 6 months, it will definitely make your hair follicles strong and make your hair healthy and thick. So, leave aside the shampoos and conditioners, and start a healthy diet, and see the difference. You will just love yourself.

Foods That Help You Grow Thick and Healthy Hair

For boosting hair growth, to prevent hair loss, to prevent dandruff, to have a healthy scalp, certain vitamins like Vitamin B, C, A, D and minerals like selenium, zinc, folic acid, iron and protein are required. You also require a good amount of Omega 3 fatty acids, which keep your hair scalp hydrated. Consuming foods having any or all of these nutrients are one of the solutions to long, healthy thick hair.
Try These 18 Foods For Your Hair
Foods for Healthy Hair
  1. Lean Red Meat: According to a research study, less iron intake can lead to baldness and hair loss. Usually, it is found that women are iron deficient and that is visible with their unhealthy and thin hair. Lean red meat is a popular food to increase the iron content in your body.
  2. Wholegrains: Wholegrains, like as barley, oats, buckwheat, broken wheat, ragi, bajra promote hair growth. Wholegrains are storehouse of zinc, vitamin B and iron which are good for hair follicles. These regulate hormones which have a direct affect on the growth and thickness of your hair. Having these nutrients in the body protect your hair.
  3. Brown Rice: Brown rice is another food which has lot of zinc content in it, which is important for the growth of your hair.  Consume brown rice to prevent hair loss.
  4. Beans and Lentils: To supplement follicles and make your hair scalp healthy, consume lentils which contain zinc, protein, iron and biotin. This is infact great for all vegetarian, vegans, and meat eaters. Legumes like kidney beans, soy beans also play a great role in hair support and maintenance.
  5. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (Spinach, Broccoli): Include dark green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Try to include spinach and broccoli in your diet as much as possible. These green vegetables are rich in folic acid, vitamin A, C and zinc which are essential for healthy living, including thick hair. Spinach is full of iron, folate, beta carotene, and vitamin C which keep hair follicles healthy. It also circulates oil in the scalp. Also, broccoli, another green leafy vegetable with its rich content of zinc, calcium, and folic acid prevents hair fall and helps in boost thick hair growth. Dark Green Veggies packed with vitamins A and C, produce sebum – a scalp oil, that works as a natural hair conditioner.
  6. Sweet Potatoes: Another popular healthy food which boosts thick hair growth is sweet potato. Sweet potatoes have anti-oxidant  beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A in the body. It is a known fact that Vitamin A is essential for functioning of every cells in the body, including your hair cells. Vitamin A in sweet potatoes helps produce oils that maintain a healthy scalp and also prevents dandruff.
  7. Eggs: Eggs are packed with 4 basic minerals – zinc, selenium, sulfur, and iron. They are full of biotin, a vitamin B which promotes hair growth. They are also a great source of proteins, which help cells to carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Include eggs in your diet so as to increase the iron and protein content in your body which can help in hair growth.
  8. Carrots: Carrots have also beta-carotene, an antioxidant which boosts thick hair growth. Consuming carrots, whether boiled or raw, promotes healthy scalp and can brighten up your dull locks.
  9. Tomatoes: Also include tomatoes in your diet. It prevents hair damage and hair loss, tomatoes being a good source of antioxidant and lycopene.
  10. Fruits: Vitamin C is always necessary for healthy hair. Lack of Vitamin C in the body can cause hair breakage. So consume fresh fruits every day. Fruits like berries, oranges, Indian gooseberries, kiwis, straw berries supply nourishment to the hair follicles. Also eat bananas for healthy hair. Bananas are rich in zinc and vitamin B.
  11. Greek Yoghurt: You can opt for low-fat foods like as Greek yoghurt which is rich in calcium, protein, vitamin B and D. In many hair care products, you find the ingredient pantothenic acid in the label. This is produced from Vitamin B5. Greek yoghurt is one such food which is rich in Vitamin B5, which in turn boosts hair follicle health.
  12. Dark Chocolate: This is one food which every one likes. Yes it is dark chocolates. Rich in antioxidants, iron rich vitamin B, dark chocolates are important for growing thick healthy hair.
  13. Green Tea: You can reap the benefits of green tea by not only consuming it but also by applying it. Yes, you have heard it right. Consuming green tea is good for your hair health. But you can also wash your hair with green tea which fight dandruff and improve the scalp.
  14. Walnuts and Almonds: Don’t forget to include dry fruits like walnuts, almonds in your diet. A rich source of omega 3, biotin and vitamin E, walnuts and almonds are essential for healthy thick hair.
  15. Fish (Indian Mackerel, Salmon, Oysters): One of the best foods to stop hair loss and for a healthy thick hair is fish. . The Indian mackerel is rich in Omega 3 and 6, which rejuvenates the scalp, encourages follicles growth and make your hair thick and healthy. Oyster is another sea food which promotes healthy hair. Oysters are rich in zinc, a lack of which can lead to hair loss including dry, flaky scalp. Zinc is associated with the production of androgens. People with low androgens suffer from slow hair growth and dandruff.  Salmon is another fish, which being rich in protein and vitamin D, promotes healthy hair growth. The Omega fatty 3 acids which the body requires are available in salmon fish. So prevent hair loss and grow thick hair by consuming salmon, mackerel, and oysters or other fish.
  16. Vegetable Oil: Now, you not want thick long hair but you will also prefer soft and shiny tresses. No one wants dry hair, luster less hair. This happens when your diet is too low in fats. So include peanut, olive, safflower and sunflower oil in your diet. These oils can restore the shine in your hair.
  17. Beef: If you really want to have the same hair as Kate Middleton, then consume beef. This is her secret to healthy hair. Consume a little portion of lean beef just once a week. This will help you grow thick hair and stop hair fall.
  18. Chicken: You can also get healthy thick hair with lean chicken. Consume chicken as it is rich in proteins, which is good for thick hair growth and scalp.