Tuesday 22 October 2013

Benefits of Rose Water:

Photo: Benefits of Rose Water:  Rose water is one of the well known remedy for skin care. Almost every person is using the rose water for various beauty treatments. There are various cosmetic products that use the essence of rose water in their products. Rose water is the natural treatment of various skin issues. Rose water has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties which are very excellent for the skin.  Benefits:  Vitamins:  Rose petals are used to make rose water contains a lot of vitamins, including vitamin A, B3, C, D, and E. In addition, falvonoid (antioxidant), tannins, and zinc are also often found in rose water. All content is working to improve the texture and overall skin health.  Skin Care:  Rose water is widely used for skin care because it is safe and gentle enough for all skin types. Rose water works well on dry skin and aging, as well as the skin oily and prone to acne. Rose water has a nutritious as astringent tonic which helps reduce redness caused by enlarged capillaries. Balance the skin oil. Sebum production can be balanced by using rose water. This applies to people with oily skin or dry skin.  Use it to remove your Makeup:  Pour a littel on a a cotton ball and gently rub in a circular motion on the face and around the eyes yo remove makeup.  Use as a Cleanser:  It can be used as a gentle facial cleanser. Make your own by mixing one cup of rose water, 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 10 drops of rose essential oil. The essential oil will add to the cleansing properties of this rose water cleanser as well as help preserve it.  Use as a Toner:  It can be used as a natural facial toner because rose water helps to absorb excess oil from the skin without leaving a drying effect. Make your own by combining 1 1/4 cups of rose water, eight drops of glycerin and 3/4 cup of witch hazel in a dark glass bottle (this is important because you do not want light to affect the mixture). Shake the bottle well before use, and apply daily with cotton balls or swabs. Rose water toner is perfect to combat acne.  Use as an Anti-Wrinkle Agent:  Apply rose water to your face to tighten pores and prevent wrinkles. Acting as an astringent with anti-inflammatory agents, the rose water will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Use for erritated Eyes:  Using makeup and eyeshadows regularly can make your eyes feel dry and irritated. Rose water is very effective for irritation, redness and inflammation of eye. Put 2-3 drops in the eye 2-3 times a day.  Get rid of excessively Dry or Oily Skin:  Rose water helps to balance the pH of the skin, helping to control both dry and oily skin and can soothe many types of dermatitis.  Get rid of Acne & Blackheads:  Rose water is also used to treat pimples and to get rid of blackheads. The rose petals have antibacaterial properties and are soothing to the skin. Mix rose water with lemon juice and applying to the skin twice a week . Another way to use rose water is to boil petals in water and steam the face for ten minutes.  Get rid of itchy scalp & induce Hair growth:  As rose water is anti-inflammatory and reduces dryness it it really good for dry itchy scalp. Rinse your head with rosewater mixed in water. It also nourishes the hair and induces hair growth by increasing the blood flow.  Use to relieve Headaches:  Use a little bit of rose water on a cotton ball and apply around the eyes, forehead and temples to soothe headaches. 

Benefits of Rose Water:

Rose water is one of the well known remedy for skin care. Almost every person is using the rose water for various beauty treatments. There are various cosmetic products that use the essence of rose water in their products. Rose water is the natural treatment of various skin issues. Rose water has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties which are very excellent for the skin.



Rose petals are used to make rose water contains a lot of vitamins, including vitamin A, B3, C, D, and E. In addition, falvonoid (antioxidant), tannins, and zinc are also often found in rose water. All content is working to improve the texture and overall skin health.

Skin Care:

Rose water is widely used for skin care because it is safe and gentle enough for all skin types. Rose water works well on dry skin and aging, as well as the skin oily and prone to acne. Rose water has a nutritious as astringent tonic which helps reduce redness caused by enlarged capillaries. Balance the skin oil. Sebum production can be balanced by using rose water. This applies to people with oily skin or dry skin.

Use it to remove your Makeup:

Pour a littel on a a cotton ball and gently rub in a circular motion on the face and around the eyes yo remove makeup.

Use as a Cleanser:

It can be used as a gentle facial cleanser. Make your own by mixing one cup of rose water, 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 10 drops of rose essential oil. The essential oil will add to the cleansing properties of this rose water cleanser as well as help preserve it.

Use as a Toner:

It can be used as a natural facial toner because rose water helps to absorb excess oil from the skin without leaving a drying effect. Make your own by combining 1 1/4 cups of rose water, eight drops of glycerin and 3/4 cup of witch hazel in a dark glass bottle (this is important because you do not want light to affect the mixture). Shake the bottle well before use, and apply daily with cotton balls or swabs. Rose water toner is perfect to combat acne.

Use as an Anti-Wrinkle Agent:

Apply rose water to your face to tighten pores and prevent wrinkles. Acting as an astringent with anti-inflammatory agents, the rose water will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Use for erritated Eyes:

Using makeup and eyeshadows regularly can make your eyes feel dry and irritated. Rose water is very effective for irritation, redness and inflammation of eye. Put 2-3 drops in the eye 2-3 times a day.

Get rid of excessively Dry or Oily Skin:

Rose water helps to balance the pH of the skin, helping to control both dry and oily skin and can soothe many types of dermatitis.

Get rid of Acne & Blackheads:

Rose water is also used to treat pimples and to get rid of blackheads. The rose petals have antibacaterial properties and are soothing to the skin. Mix rose water with lemon juice and applying to the skin twice a week . Another way to use rose water is to boil petals in water and steam the face for ten minutes.

Get rid of itchy scalp & induce Hair growth:

As rose water is anti-inflammatory and reduces dryness it it really good for dry itchy scalp. Rinse your head with rosewater mixed in water. It also nourishes the hair and induces hair growth by increasing the blood flow.

Use to relieve Headaches:

Use a little bit of rose water on a cotton ball and apply around the eyes, forehead and temples to soothe headaches.

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