Tuesday 22 October 2013

Care and Home Remedies for Fair & Glowing Skin:



Care and Home Remedies for Fair & Glowing Skin:

Fairness is one of the signs of beauty. Not only women but also men want to have fair and glowing skin. Nowadays, the skin gets dark also because of more exposure to sun and pollution. It has been observed that many people who have to stay outdoors for long get dark skin on hands and face and the place that is not covered with clothes. Here some of the easiest tips on having a fair and glowing skin. If you are using these tips on a regular basis, you will certainly get a fair compelxion.

Home Remedies:

Take 2 table spoon gram flour, 1 spoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lime juice with few drops of olive oil to make face pack to get fair skin.

Mix an egg white with two spoons of honey to create a pack that should help tighten your skin and give you a youthful look. Apply it on your face for 15 minutes, and rinse it off after 15 minutes. Do this thrice a week. You could also add a teaspoon of milk to egg yolk and egg white along with a teaspoon of honey to create a fairness pack.

Honey not only contains healing properties, but when combined with curd or lemon juice it also works as a lightening agent.

Lemons contain vitamin C that is a natural cleansing agent. Before having a bath, cut a lemon in four and rub it on your body as a natural substitute for soap, wash it off after 2 to 3 minutes. This will lighten your skin.

Papaya contains antioxidants and is a well know home remedy for fair complexion. Cut a ripe papaya, and apply it on your face in the early in the morning; you can also crush a fresh papaya that is ripe and mix it with two teaspoons of milk. Apply the concoction all over your body 10 to 15 minutes before a bath.

Potato acts as a good bleaching agent; cut a potato and rub it on your face to lighten it.

Sandalwood powder mixed with rose water is one of the best home remedies for fairer skin. Use it every day half an hour before having a bath.

Turmeric is another ingredient that helps give you fairer complexion. Mix some turmeric powder with quarter cup of milk and two tablespoon of gram flour to form a smooth paste. Apply on your body 5 to 10 minutes before you bathe. Turmeric will give your skin a glow, while gram flour is a good exfoliating agent and milk helps whiten your skin.

Cucumber juice is equally effective in lightening skin tone. Mix cucumber juice and lime juice in equal proportions and apply this to the skin. You can also apply plain cucumber juice to get the desired effect.

You can mix yogurt with oatmeal and tomato juice. Even this will work as an effective scrub. It takes around 15 minutes for it to work its magic. You can make another scrub out of finely ground almond powder, sandalwood powder, and milk. You can also add a few drops of almond oil to this mixture. Apply this on you skin, especially on those area that are darker than the rest.

Add 3-4 strands of saffron to 3 tablespoons of warm milk and let it soak overnight. In the morning, add a tablespoon of almond powder to this milk. Mix it well and leave it alone for half an hour. Then apply this evenly on your skin and let it dry.

Basic Care:

For women, this is a very important tip. Always remember to remove makeup from your face before sleeping. Wash it off with a mild soap or use a makeup remover, and moisturize your skin at the end. Also, try washing your face with warm water instead of very cold water. Start your routine off with a face wash suited for your skin type (dry, oily) but dermatologists emphasize that selecting moisturizers that'll help protect your fair skin from UV damage is key. During the day, use a sunscreen laced with antioxidants. At night, opt for a cream that contains alpha-hydroxy acids or retinol to help speed up cell turnover.


Maintaining a well-balanced nutritional diet with foods that are rich in vitamins and essential nutrients will help you get fairer skin. Eating berries leads to your body producing collagen that helps tighten your skin. Drinking green tea also helps due to the antioxidant properties that it contains. Try to drink minimum 10 to 12 glasses water in a day.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils such as olive, grapefruit, lime, lemon, mandarin, palmetto and rose are known to be very effective as skin lightening agents.

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