Friday 11 October 2013

Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia

Photo: Best Natural Home Remedies For Insomnia  Insomnia:  • Insomnia refers to the inability to go to sleep and sleeping difficulties  Causes:  • Mental tension • Anxiety • Excessive work • Feeling of resentment • Anger and bitterness • Constipation • Overeating at night • Dyspepsia • Excessive consumption of tea or coffee • Smoking • Empty stomach before sleep  Here are the few simple home remedies insomnia which can help you effectivly.


• Insomnia refers to the inability to go to sleep and sleeping difficulties


• Mental tension

• Anxiety

• Excessive work

• Feeling of resentment

• Anger and bitterness

• Constipation

• Overeating at night

• Dyspepsia

• Excessive consumption of tea or coffee

• Smoking

• Empty stomach before sleep

Here are the few simple home remedies insomnia which can help you effectivly.

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