Saturday 19 October 2013

Care and Home Remedies for Dark Elbows and Knees:


Care and Home Remedies for Dark Elbows and Knees: 

Dark elbows and knees are usually caused by excessive exposure to sun,dryness,extra friction,accumulation of dead skin cells,improper skin care and some inherited factors also responsible for darkening of elbows and knees.If you have dark knees and elbow then don`t need to embarrass more because Now you can lighten your knees and elbows simply by following some of the natural home remedies which are given below:


Keep the elbows and knees covered as much as possible.

Massage the areas with oil daily. That will make the skin soft.

Applying coconut oil or almond oil is also beneficial as they are best oils for curing dry skin.

Please ensure that you drink plenty of water to replenish your skin cells internally, and hydrate your body.

There should be no deep lines visible on the joints. If you can see lines, that means your skin is dry and you need to moisturize it. Apply oil from Vitamin E supplements topically.

Apply a heavy moisturizer on your legs and arms. They are, generally, the driest parts of the body even if your skin type is oily. Keep the elbows and knees moisturized.

Home Remedies:

Lemon juice contains natural bleaching properties, but is much gentler on the skin than bleach is. Dip a piece of cotton in fresh lemon juice and rub it gently on the knees and elbows. Allow the juice to stay on the skin for at least 25 to 30 minutes, before rinsing it off. To maximize the effect of this exercise, repeat it couple of times a day.

Take a slice of freshly cut lemon and use it to gently massage the affected area of the elbows and knees. The dark discoloration of the elbows and knees may be reduced by a frequent application of fresh lemon juice which is believed to be rich in naturally occurring bleaching properties.

Hydrogen peroxide has excellent bleaching properties too and can help cure discoloration, making it one of the most effective home remedies for dark elbows. This is why it is used in several commercial whitening products too. Dip a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the knees and elbows. Repeat this exercise a couple of times a day, to enhance its effectiveness.

One of the most effective ways to get rid of dark skin from knees and elbows would be to mix 1 teaspoon each of Vitamin E, lemon juice and glycerin in 4 tablespoon of milk. Massage this paste on the dark areas and leave it for about 20 to 25 minutes. Wash off the area with lukewarm water.

A combination of coconut oil and lime juice works fine for getting rid of dark patches. For this, mix a teaspoon of coconut oil and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice on the dark areas. After about 20 minutes, soak a towel in hot water and scrub it over the elbows and knees.

A mix of gram flour and lemon juice has been found to be effective in removing dark skin from elbows and knees. For this, take some two teaspoons gramflour and add one teaspoon lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this paste on the dark areas and leave for about 20 to 25 minutes, before washing it off.

Rubbing a leaf from a fresh aloe plant is effective in treating darkened skin. For this, open up a leaf from an aloe plant and rub its green, fleshy part over the affected areas regularly. This would remove the darkness remarkably.

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