Tuesday 22 October 2013

Care and Home Remedies for Weight Loss:


Care and Home Remedies for Weight Loss:

Obesity is an excess proportion of total body fat. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight. Obesity increases the risk of many life threatening diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. To lose extra body fat, the first step is to change the lifestyle and eating habits.
Eat slowly.

-Consume only home cooked food.
-Avoid fried foods.
-Keep sugar intake to a minimum.
-Drink lots of water.
-Avoid eating between meals.
-Avoid ‘junk food.
-Minimize your carbohydrate intake.
-Exercise is extremely important in weight loss.
-The daily diet should include green leafy vegetables.

There are some home remedies for weight loss that will make your work much easier.

Weight Loss Remedies:

Cabbage helps in burning body fat. You can take cabbage as a salad or as a soup. Cabbage soup proves to be a miracle and you can reduce 3 to 4 kg in a week. You can take cabbage as a salad or added to other food.

Green tea is an ultimate fat burner. Drink three cups of green tea half a lemon in it to deal with the extra weight.

Drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lime juice and some honey the first thing in the morning. This is also a common home remedy for weight loss to dissolve the excess fats.

Eating 10-12 fully grown curry leaves every morning for 3 to 4 months may help in weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar if taken with water helps in burning excessive calories.

Wash and cut up a combination of apples, pineapple, banana, peaches, orange, carrots and guavas. Process and blend the fruit together with one tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey. Drink immediately. Do not store as vitamin C is easily destroyed by exposure to light and air.

Mix one teaspoon of raw honey (unheated) with the juice of two teaspoons of lime or lemon juice in a glass of lukewarm water. Take this remedy as a wake-up drink once in the morning on a empty stomach. Also commonly taken after a big and oily meal, this simple delicious tonic is an effective digestive and detox tonic.

Mix one tablespoon of honey with a cup of lukewarm water and add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to it. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and drink the solution on an empty stomach, to lose weight, which can be measured in inches.

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