Saturday 19 October 2013

Home Remedies For Respiratory Allergies like Running Nose and sneezing

Home Remedies For Respiratory Allergies like Running Nose and sneezing

 Although annoying at best, a runny nose and sneezing are the body’s natural infection-fighting mechanisms. Mucus within the nose naturally humidifies the air and moistens the membranes and traps foreign matters. Causes for increased mucus production include the common cold, flu, allergies, sinusitis and cold temperatures.
Having a runny nose can irritate the mucus membrane and create a sneeze in an attempt to clear the nasal passages. In addition, the body’s release of histamine, a chemical found in the body’s cells, causes allergic-like symptoms including runny nose and sneezing. As an alternative to over-the-counter medications, you can use home remedies to relieve runny nose and sneezing. As always, consult with your physician before trying any new remedy.
Home remedies for Allergies – Diet
1) Drink lots of water to thin secretions and ease expectoration.

2) If you have respiratory allergies, you may be allergic to certain foods. In addition to dairy products and wheat, common culprits include eggs, chocolate, nuts, seafood, and citrus fruits and juices. Try eliminating one of these foods for two weeks and watch for an improvement. Use an elimination or rotation diet to discover and work with food allergies.

3) Try eliminating dairy foods from your diet. Dairy foods
Natural Home treatments for Sneezing
Salt Water Solution Irrigation

Irrigate nostrils with a salt water solution. Dissolve 1/2 tsp. of table salt in 8 oz. of warm water. Draw the solution into an eyedropper, and insert the solution into one nostril at a time with your head tilted back. Breathe the solution into the nostril. When finished, blow your nose to remove excess mucus and solution. You may need to do this a few times before you feel relief.


With a towel draped overhead, breathe in steam from a pot of boiling water containing drops of eucalyptus or thyme oil that have antibacterial properties. This technique clears out excess mucus that causes runny nose and sneezing. Be careful not to burn yourself from the splashing boiling water. Turn the heat down just enough to keep the steam.

Home remedies
• To treat cold make a paste of ginger, clove and salt. Take about half spoon of this home remedy for cold two times in a day to treat and cure cold.
• A natural home remedy for cold is to inhale the aroma of smashed thymol seeds.
• Put few drops of almond oil in the nostrils to cure running nose and cold easily.
• Nose blockage can be treated by taking steam with few drops of eucalyptus oil. This is a good home remedy to cure common cold and flu.
• Increase your intake of fruits and food rich in Vitamin C as Vitamin C deficiency can cause cold easily. Eating oranges, amla, grapes, sweet lime can help you to protect and prevent cold.
• Ginger tea is one of the best and popular home remedy for cold. Boil ginger into water before boiling tea leaves to get good results to treat cold.
• Sneezing and running nose can be treated by eating pepper. Take half a spoon of grinded pepper with lukewarm water and this will relieve you from runny nose. Gargling pepper in warm water also help to get rid of cold virus and germs.
• You can get rid of cold very fast by inhaling fumes of turmeric powder, which is sprinkled on the burning coal. This is also a home remedy to treat nose blockage.
• One of the best home remedy for cold is to take dry ginger powder mixed with old Jaggery. This natural remedy is to be taken twice a day to get rid of running nose and cold.
• Taking half spoon of turmeric powder twice a day is an effective home remedy for cold and flu.
• Drinking hot water for the days when you are suffering from cold helps you to overcome running nose.
• Roast sesame seeds in ghee and mix them in jaggery. Taking this home remedy for cold will help you treat running and itchy nose especially in winter.
• Drinking lukewarm water with honey and lemon juice helps to get rid of cold and running nose.
• Figs also known as Anjeer boiled in water are one of the best home remedies for cold and flu. Take this hot water twice a day to treat cold, sneezing and running nose.
• Take a pinch of Cinnamon (dalchini) powder mixed with a teaspoon of honey to get rid of cold.
• To treat cold chop a piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water and add half lemon juice and a spoon of honey. This is an effective home remedy for cold repeat, which will soothe your throat and relief you from cold.
• Make a cup of tea by adding ginger, clove, bay leaf and black pepper. Consume this home remedy for cold twice a day.
• Carom Leaf (Ajwain) boiled in water is a natural remedy to cure cold. Mix honey in this boiled water to get rid of cure cold or running nose.
• Apply Castor oil on the middle of the head to get relief from running nose and cold.
• Boil aniseed (Saunf) and cloves in water for 15 minutes and add sugar. This is a good home remedy to get rid of cold at home.
• Consuming a spoon of Betel leaves (Pan) juice is a good way to treat cold and sneezing at home.
• Smelling the aroma Asafetida (Hing) is also a home remedy to cure sneezing, cold or running nose.
• Taking half a spoon of ginger juice with a tablespoon of honey helps to cure sore throat and cold.
• Intake of garlic in any form assists to get rid of cold and sneezing.
• Gargling with warm salt water is an excellent home remedy for cold and sore throat. This natural home remedy is very effective in winter.
• Using air filtration devices and humidifiers is an effective home remedy to reduce Sneezing as it helps reduce the amount of pollen in air.
• The most popular natural remedy for Sneezing is to pinch the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger and hold your breath for a few seconds when you feel the urge to sneeze.
• Another simple technique to stifle a sneeze is to tickle the roof of your mouth with the tip of tongue as soon as you feel a sneeze coming. Simply holding the breath is also beneficial to some extent. At times, intently focusing your attention elsewhere or on any object can also prove helpful in getting rid of this problem.
• Taking soups and salads mixed with black pepper is one of the simplest natural cures for Sneezing because it keeps the respiratory system clear. Ginger, garlic and turmeric are also considered as valuable Sneezing home remedies that help relieve this problem in a natural way.
• Inhaling vapors of boiling water mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil is highly beneficial in relieving Sneezing induced by nasal irritation and colds.
• Herbal teas mixed with honey are considered as excellent natural home remedies for Sneezing. Chamomile, Echinacea and nettle tea, in particular are quit helpful in healing this problem. You can also prepare a tea by keeping two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a cup of boiling water for about 15-20 minutes and finally straining and drinking it two times in a day.
• Take a cup of water, add some minced ginger in it and boil the solution until half the original quantity of water remains. Drink this decoction at night before going to bed to stop sneezing attacks in the morning. You can also add honey in this therapeutic solution to improve its taste.
• Soak some about 5-6 bitter gourd leaves in water for some time. Next, squeeze them and add a little bit of warm water to get the juice. Finally, consume it on a regular basis to get rid of Sneezing induced by colds and seasonal allergies. When following this therapy, you can also add some honey in the juice.
• Wearing face mask while working in the garden or cleaning is another useful tip to avoid Sneezing induced by dust, pollen etc.
• Eating hot Gram flour halva helps in controlling running nose instantly and effectively. (Roast Gram flour with Ghee (Besan) till it changes to light brown color, Then add water and Sugar and cook for few minutes).
• Eating a small piece of Onion (Pea size) or sucking a piece of Clove (Laung) helps to get instant relief from cold or running nose.
• Ragi mixed with Turmeric powder sprinkled on the burning coal and the fumes inhaled cures nose blockage or cold very fast.
• Turmeric powder sprinkled on the burning coal and the fumes inhaled (but after that don’t drink water for 5 hours) cures nose blockage, cold very fast.
• Boiling Long pepper (Pipple) in the Milk with Sugar candy (Mishri) and drinking this milk helps in curing running nose or cold.
• Eating a Apple every day before meals cures and prevents running nose or cold.
• Dry Ginger powder (Saunth) mixed with old Jaggery (Gur) taken twice a day helps to cure running nose or cold.
• Milk boiled with Ginger, Black pepper (Kali mirch), Basil (Tulsi) leaves, Cloves (Laung), Red Sugar candy (Mishri) or Jaggery is very useful in curing Cold. This should be taken hot before going to bed, and cover the body to preserve body heat, for few days.
• Few drops of Fresh Neem leaves juice put in the nostrils cures running nose or cold easily.
• Taking Steam with Eucalyptus oil drops helps in curing cold or nose blockage.
• Rubbing the whole body using Salt while taking bath helps to cure cold or running nose.
• Eating Sesame seeds (Til) roasted with ghee and mixed with Jaggery helps in curing running nose during winter.
• Black pepper powder, Ginger juice and Basil juice mixed with Honey taken thrice a day cures running nose or cold.
• Making Tea with few Mint (Pudina) leaves or with Ginger or with Basil leaves and drinking cures running nose or cold.
• Figs (Anjeer) boiled in water and this hot water taken twice a day cures cold or running nose.
• Taking Garlic in any form helps in curing running nose, sneeze or cold.
• Betel leaf with a Clove can be taken to cure running nose or cold.
• Aniseeds (Sauf) and Cloves boiled in water for 10 minutes added Sugar and filtered. Drinking this hot decoction helps to cure cold or running nose.
• Eating half spoon of Turmeric powder and drinking hot water for few days helps to overcome running nose or cold.
• Drinking hot water with Lemon juice and Honey in the night helps to overcome running nose or cold.
• Smelling Asafetida (Hing) helps to reduce cold or running nose.
• Tamarind (Imli) leaves boiled in water for few minutes and filtered. Taking this decoction also cures cold or running nose.
• Make a slit in one Onion and fill Turmeric powder in the slit. Roast this Onion on a burning coal and eat before going to bed. Avoid drinking water whole night which helps in curing cold or running nose.
• Applying Castor oil (Erand ka teil) on the centre of the head helps in curing running nose due to excessive heat in the body.
• Drinking Tender coconut water in the day time helps in curing running nose due to excessive heat in the body.
• Drinking a spoon of Betel leaves (Pan) juice helps to cure cold or running nose especially in children.
• Drinking a spoon of Carrom Leaf (Ajwain) juice mixed with Honey helps to cure cold or running nose especially in children.
• Nut Meg (Joy phal) paste with honey taken helps to cure cold or running nose especially in children.
• Adding few drops of Doctors brandy in hot milk and given to children helps in curing cold or running nose.

Lemon: Lemon is beneficial in all types of cold with fever. Vitamin C-rich lemon juice increases body resistance, decreases toxicity and reduces the duration of the illness. One lemon should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey should be added to it. This should be taken once or twice daily.

Garlic: Garlic soup is an old remedy to reduce the severity of a cold, and should be taken once daily. The soup can be prepared by boiling three or four cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water. Garlic contains antiseptic and antispasmodic properties, besides several other medicinal virtues. The oil contained in this vegetable helps to open up the respiratory passages. In soup form, it flushes out all toxins from the system and thus helps bring down fever. Five drops of garlic oil combined with a teaspoon of onion juice, and diluted in a cup of water, should be drunk two to three times a day. This has also been found to be very effective in the treatment of common cold..

Ginger: Ginger is another excellent remedy for colds and coughs. About ten grams of ginger should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water. It should then be strained and half a teaspoon of sugar added to it. This decoction should be drunk when hot. Ginger tea, prepared by adding a few pieces of ginger into boiled water before adding the tea leaves, is also an effective remedy for colds and for fevers resulting from cold. It may be taken twice daily. Also take half a teaspoon of ginger juice with half a teaspoon of honey, three times a day (morning, noon and night). In winter, warm the mixture by mixing a teaspoon of warm water in it.

In cases of dry cough (especially during the night), peel a small piece of fresh ginger. Sprinkle some salt on it and chew.

Clove or Cardamoms or Raisins: In cases of sore throat, a clove or two cardamoms or a few raisins can be chewed. Gargling with warm salty water two to three times a day is also beneficial.


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