Wednesday 16 October 2013

"Don't turn a blind eye to road accident victims."

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Monday sought the Centre's response after a PIL gave chilling details of thousands of motorists meeting gory deaths every year because of trucks and trailers parked without sufficient warning on highways, many carrying iron rods protruding out dangerously.
'SaveLife Foundation', an NGO, used the Right to Information (RTI) Act to collect details of fatalities resulting from collision of vehicles with these haphazardly parked trucks, many of which carry construction material, including iron rods and angles.

Why should I care?

You should care because,
  • India has the highest number of road accidents deaths in the world - over 1,35,000 in 2012 alone. On an average, 15 people die and 60 are seriously injured every hour in road accidents in India.
  • Road accidents in India are the leading cause of death in the age group 15-45, the most productive group of our society.
  • Consequently, the annual economic loss is close to 2.5% of India’s annual GDP (Planning Commission of India).
Road Fatalities in India & China
  • 80% of road accident victims in India do not receive any emergency medical care within the critical first hour after an accident. (Study by the Indian Journal of Surgery -2006)
  • According to the Law Commission of India, 50% fatalities can be averted if victims get even basic care on time. That's 70,000 lives!
  • While Police first-responders in most states are untrained to provide any medical aid, bystanders and passers-by choose to remain spectators for fear of getting involved in prolonged legal procedures.
  • With emergency medical services missing or inadequate in most parts of the country, Police and bystanders can play a life-saving role for victims if trained and empowered to do so.
  • While Police first-responders in most states are untrained to provide any medical aid, bystanders and passers-by choose to remain spectators for fear of getting involved in prolonged legal procedures.
  • With emergency medical services missing or inadequate in most parts of the country, Police and bystanders can play a life-saving role for victims if trained and empowered to do so.
  • SaveLIFE Foundation is advocating for a supportive legal and ethical environment for bystanders to come forward and assist injured road accident victims without any fear of danger, harassment or intimidation. We are also training, connecting & mobilizing citizen volunteers and Police personnel to become medical first-responders to road accident victims.
SaveLIFE Foundation is advocating for a supportive legal and ethical environment for bystanders to come forward and assist injured road accident victims without any fear of danger, harassment or intimidation. We are also training, connecting & mobilizing citizen volunteers and Police personnel to become medical first-responders to road accident victims.

"Don't turn a blind eye to road accident victims."


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