Friday 11 October 2013

Blood - Sugar Chart

Blood - Sugar Chart

abetes is a condition where success of treatment depends on how well you keep your blood sugar controlled. Monitor your reading on a chart. Over a period of time you will learn how to manage the condition yourself and will understand why your sugar level fluctuates.
Blood sugar calculator provides a description of value of blood sugar in terms of mg/dl depending on the test type – Fasting sugar, post-meal or post prandial and Glucose tolerance test (GTT) for a normal person, in early diabetes and in established diabetes.
Category of a person Fasting Value Post Prandial
Minimum Value Maximum Value Value 2 hours after consuming glucose
Normal 70 100 Less than 140
Early Diabetes
101 126 140 to 200
Established Diabetes More than 126 - More than 200
    * All values are in Milligrams
If you have recently got tested for blood glucose level or if you have taken an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, we can help you find out if you have diabetes.
 Blood Sugar Calculator
* Choose Test Type
* Select the Blood Glucose Value Type mg / dl    mmol / L
* Select the Blood Glucose Value
(* Mandatory)    

(Note: This interpretation does not apply if you are pregnant and taking the test)

Diabetes Control Chart

Important Facts About Blood Sugar
vGlucose is a simple sugar and is one of the primary molecules which serve as energy sources for both plants and animals.
vInsulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.
vUncontrolled or high blood sugar levels can lead to health complications such as blindness, heart disease, kidney disease.
vIncrease in concentration of glucose in the blood leads to a condition called "diabetic coma" or hyperglycemia.

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